Saturday, September 18, 2010

I like to wear my hat and shoes

This morning before I had even got out of my pajamas I insisted on wearing my hat and my shoe. I went to the entry way and got them and then paraded around the house with my hat, shoe and my p.j.s on. Mom and dad thought this was a pretty funny outfit but I thought it was stylish.

mom's starting to get a baby belly

Mom says there is a baby in her belly. I like to point out her belly button and pat her tummy. I still am not that interested in what is going on with the new baby...but mom says I will be soon!

finding strange places to read my books

I am always bringing my books with me since I love to read so much. I like to climb into the box with the books and read to myself. I also like to hid behind the couch or loveseat and read. Sometimes I have mom read me a book that I like and then since I know she doesn't like to read the same book twice in a row I then climb onto dad's lap to have him read me the same book. I trade laps back and forth so I get some variety in my readers. Last weekend mom took me to Barnes and Noble where I got some new books. Mom found me one about the Yo Gabba Gabba characters that I really love. Mom keeps it in the car since I can be naughty sometimes in the car and the book keeps me happy.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I take care of my babies too

I have an Elmo that Grandma Launa bought me and a baby that I take care of at home. I tell mom that I "give them drinks." I get the baby bottle and feed my babies. I can point out Elmo's and my head, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, nose, shoulders, knees, toes and my favorite belly button! I find everyone's belly button even if I have to pull up their shirt to find it. This could be a problem later on, but for now it's pretty cute!

I give lots of kisses

I really like to give kisses. Maybe not as much as mommy likes to get them. I also give "squeezes" to mom and dad often. When mom reads me a book about a baby bird whose mom gives him kisses, I always give my mommy kisses too. She never gets tired of my kisses!

Working on potty training

Mom and dad got me my own potty. It plays a song when you go potty in it. I love to sit on it but I haven't actually tried peeing in it yet. Mom and dad are hopeful that maybe I'll want to get out of diapers before the new baby arrives. I haven't decided yet if I want to give up the diapers, but I sure think it's fun to sit on my new potty.

Playing at the zoo park

After we got done looking at the animals we played in the park. We didn't get to play for long because I
wore dad out after about 10 minutes. It was time for supper though and so I was anxious to get home and eat! I now try to climb up into my chair without help when I am hungry. I also say to my parents, "Emmy eat!" this way they will know exactly what I want.

Me and my dad

Dad and I held hands and walked around the zoo. I am a big girl and so I can keep up with dad easily now. Mom thought this was so cute and so she took some pictures of dad and I strolling.

Dad gives me a boost

It is nice to have dad with us at the zoo because he can give me a boost to see the animals. He gave me a boost up so I could get a good look at the grizzly bears. I wasn't scared!

getting to know the goats

Then I started to get really comfortable with the goats and I thought they were really funny. They may just be my favorite animal at the zoo. We have definitely made the most of our zoo pass this year visiting the goats and other animals.

Last summer trip to the zoo?

Mom, dad and I went to the zoo yesterday. Mom said that with the weather changing and getting cooler now it may be our last summer trip to the zoo. I always like to check out what the goats are doing, they are so friendly. In one of these pictures you can see I got a little startled by the goats and threw up my hands! The goats always think I have food and get right up in my face.

Big announcement!

Mom says I can make an important announcement! I am in training to be a big sister (read my shirt). Our newest family member will be arriving March 12. We are really excited. Mom is now over 3 months along, but I don't see many changes in her yet. It will be fun to find out if I am going to get a little brother or little sister.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hiding in small places

Today I found lots of small places around the house that I could climb inside of and hide from mom. I thought this was really fun. I found a plastic storage bin in my closet while mom was packing away my summer clothes. I told mom that I was going to go "night, night" in the plastic bin. Then I found a great place in the kitchen where I could hide from mom. Later on I found where mom keeps the tupperware and I threw them around the kitchen. I'm good at making messes but not cleaning them up. This week at daycare I was mostly good. I did bite another girl twice when she wouldn't give me the toy I wanted. Mom and I had a long talk about this and she told me we don't bite our friends. The next day the ladies at daycare told mom that all morning long I told them, "no, no, no biting today!" I did a lot of coloring at daycare this week and dad took my masterpieces to work to show off. I love to color! I talk all the time and mom thinks the things I say are really funny. Last night mom and I picked up supper at The Bistro and I heard the phone ring. "Phone call!" I told the people who worked there. Then dad had brought home some berries (my favorite) for me to have with dinner. I told mom that they were "blackberries and raspberries." When mom explained that dad had got them special for me I said to him, "Thank you Robbie, thank you Robbie!" Dad is playing softball today (or watching since the MRI confirmed that his ACL is torn) and so mom and I may go for a run this morning.