Saturday, July 30, 2011

Flower shop and library again

Today my Grandma Launa picked up mommy and me and we went to look for big pots and plants for our porch. I LOVED looking at all the flowers and smelling them and telling mommy what colors they were. I did get in a bit of trouble for picking some flowers (I guess I'm not supposed to pick flowers at the flower shop, just wild flowers when we are at the ranch or on a walk). I got to pick up flowers that had fallen to the ground though and I got some for mommy, grandma and for me. I also liked looking at the big garden figurines - frogs, elephants, bees.....there were lots of stone statues and it was like a big zoo of animals. I really had fun but mom started to get nervous that eventually I'd find something to break so we headed for home with our big pots grandma bought for us.

Baby Gabriel is here

My auntie Amber had a baby boy on July 29th! Gabriel Robert Lovdal, he is 6 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. He came out fast I guess Auntie said. I wanted to hold him all day long but mommy insisted on getting a turn too. Cousin Andrew is the BIG brother now just like I am the BIG sister. How exciting. I can't believe that less than 5 months ago Bobby was this tiny. Babies grow so fast.

I was a good girl at the water park this time

Yesterday my mom took me to the waterpark again to meet Mason and Auntie Stacy. This time we had a little talk before arriving at the waterpark. I promised to be a good girl and repeated after mommy, "No, No crying at the waterpark!" I had this mantra down by the time we got there. It worked! I did not cry and on the way out of the park I told mommy that I was not only a good girl, but a big girl. She told me she was proud of the way I listened and behaved and we could go again soon! At daycare LaRae did another hair-do for me and mommy thought it was cute so she took some pictures.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hair dos and Tu Tus

Today LaRae at my daycare did my hair for me. I asked her to give me a ponytail but she has some talent and did my hair up really nice. Later on mommy let me wear my tu tu so I could do some really fancy dancing in the living room. One of my favorite new library books is about a little girl duck who dances in a tu tu so now I prefer to do my dancing in my blue tu tu like the duck.

I love my life jacket

Mom got me a new life jacket to wear when I go swimming. Mason has one too so I think this is really cool. I insisted on wearing it inside for a couple hours until I got tired of the extra padding.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mommy gives us all popsicles on the porch

When we were done with feeding the fish mommy invited everyone over for popsicles. They were great. I finished mine before everyone and asked for another - but mom said one was enough I guess. When Katelynn and Caden had to go back to her house I asked them if I could sleep over there said I had to sleep at my own house. I gave Katelynn and Caden a big hug. Caden didn't seem as excited about getting the hug as I was about giving him one.

Katelynn invites us over to look at her big fish!

Katelynn invited us over to her house to feed the big fish in the two fish ponds they have over there. She brought her friend Caden along with too. Mommy took some pictures of us feeding the big fish. These goldfish were huge and came right up to the surface to get the food. By the way, I chose this hat I am wearing - it is one of my favorites. I really like seeing these big fish and asked if I could stay at Katelynn's home too.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Library and groceries

Last night mom and dad went for dinner with some friends and my grandparents Eckert came to play with Bobby and me. I told grandma to make me a favorite snack that mommy always makes for me - mini pancakes with Sunbutter and some candy sprinkles on top. This is one of my top choices for snacks. Then I told grandpa to give me a bath. I tried to talk him into getting in the tub too but he declined. It is grandpa's birthday on Sunday and I wrote him and colored him a special card. When mommy told me to go get it I got a little confused and brought the take out menu to grandpa instead.

On the weekends mom and I like to do things, "Just us girls!" Today we went to the library to check out more books and then we went shopping (grocery shopping.) I love to point out things to mom that I think she should look at. I always remember that we must sanitize our cart with the wipes they provide at the store. I help mom do it before I hop in for my ride. Then I help her load and unload our cart. I put all the items on the belt as we check out. Later on Saturday dad played with me on the swingset. Then we all read the library books I picked out!

When I woke up from my nap today mommy and I went to Bobby's room to see if he was up from his nap. He was still sleeping but I whispered to him, "oh Bobby, I love you SO much!" Then I turned to mommy and said, "mommy, I really love my Bobby." I am always concerned about Bobby - I tell mommy and daddy, "Look, look Bobby rolled over!" and I tell mom and dad "Bobby is being so fussy" when Bobby cries. I also go get mom and dad when I hear him start fussing and I tell them,"You need to find out what is wrong with Bobby." Then I ask Bobby directly, "What's wrong Bobby?" The weekends pretty much revolve around me and Bobby.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Our friend Katelynn

Across the street lives a good friend of ours named Katelynn. She has been babysitting me since I was just a baby. Now she comes over every morning and watches Bobby so mommy can work from our home (while I hang out at daycare). Bobby and I LOVE Katelynn. Yesterday when mommy got me up from my nap. I asked about Katelynn. Mommy said she loved me and asked if I loved her too. I replied - "I LOVE KATELYNN!" Mommy laughed and asked if I loved Katelynn more than mommy......I told mommy that I did love her more but I loved Katelynn too. Mommy seemed okay with that answer.

Ice cream and park pictures

Trip to park and ice cream!

Yesterday Mommy rounded up me, Bobby and the Grandmas and took us all to the park. I played on the equipment. Mommy thought one picture was really comical since it looked like I was in baby jail. Then we went for ice cream. Mommy let me choose what kind I got and so I ordered a mini blizzard with M&Ms. I ate it all! I also enjoyed paying (I handed over some of mommy's money) for the ice cream and telling the lady "thank you!"
On a side note - Mommy has a friend who she was pen pals with way back in grade school. Now they are facebook friends and mommy's friend has a little girl too. Mommy's friend and her little girl read my blog too so they can hear about the adventures that Bobby and I have. Baby Melissa laughs and smiles when she sees pictures of Bobby and of me. It is nice to have some blog fans!

Just me and my brother

When I get up from my afternoon nap I am always ready to go check on what Bobby is doing. Usually he is playing and so I sit down next to him, hug him and play with him. Daddy sings a silly song to Bobby that is kind of catchy. Now I sing it too! It goes, "Bobby Bobby Boo, ooo, ooo, ooo"......then repeat this verse. I also sing to him, "Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob-a-ran......Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bobby Eckert!" I repeat those verses a few times to him too. These songs don't make a lot of sense but Bobby sure likes when I sing to him.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Waterpark with Mason

Today mommy, Auntie Stacy, Mas and I went to the Waterpark. I love it there! I was a good girl and played really nice all day long......until it was time to go. I threw a big crying and screaming fit and embarrassed my mommy. She said we may not be coming back to water park in a while but I think she will cave eventually. I did tell mommy a few times at the waterpark that she "is the best mommy EVER!" while giving her a big hug. I try to balance out my good and bad moments.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bobby is rolling, growing and Daddy and I are enjoying some cookies

Bobby can now roll both ways really well. He has been practicing for a few weeks now but he has gotten really good at it now! He ends up on his stomach and then hollers for help since he doesn't enjoy tummy time. He is also 95th percentile for height and weight now. He is wearing 12 month clothes! Mommy can't keep up with how fast he is growing but she is so far keeping up with his breast milk meals. We brought Bobby into the pool yesterday to swim with Mason, Aunt Stacy, daddy, mommy and me. He liked it but didn't swim as long as Mas and I did. He rode around in his boat. Mommy tried to get a picture but the camera fogged up as the heat index was 116 degrees. The temp was mid 90s but the humidity made the camera fog up which prevented pictures yesterday. Mommy did take a pic of Bobby when he was all ready to get in the pool.
Mommy did some cooking on Sunday and made special cookies with sprinkles in them for me! I loved these cookies and asked for them all day. I ended up getting 3 total out of mom and dad. I learned that if mommy says no I should ask my dad for a cookies to see if he says yes. He usually tells me that it is up to mom, but one of these days I will trick them. I would ask mommy......"just one more cookie, just one little cookie?" Mommy also made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dad and I know he had more than my 3....maybe closer to one dozen. Bobby is a baby so he can't have cookies.....poor guy.
This weekend I also asked mommy many times if she would please, "read my library books?" and she and daddy read them several times to me. I picked out some great books to read last week. I have also been really into my Bedtime bear Care Bear. I told daddy he is the "best care bear ever!" and when mommy put on my Care bear video I told her, "Oh mommy, I am SO excited to watch this Care Bear video!" I am very expressive in my requests for Care Bears. I always sleep with my Care bear and also the dollies that my Great Grandma Unterseher gave me for my birthday along with my two blankets. I have a pretty full crib.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Trips to park can be tough

Today mommy took Bobby and I on a walk to the park. She told me that preparing for this trip took her a long time to do solo...I don't know cuz I was sleeping while she was prepping. I played on the playground while she and Bobby watched me. Mom had a hard time finding some shade so she wanted to leave before I was really ready. She did bring me some snacks to bribe me to get back in the double stroller. Then she pushed us up the big hill all the while worrying about Bobby getting too much sun. I love the sun and had lots of sunscreen on so no worries for me. All in all it was a fun trip for me and for Bobby.....maybe not so much for mommy.

Girl's day at the Water Park!

Yesterday mommy and I went to the water park! We had such a great time, just us girls. I told mommy that "Bobby can't come cuz he is a baby and not a big girl!" Mom and I went down every slide on the kiddie end of the park and went around the rapids in our inner tube together. Mom held me close because the water in the rapids was cold. There were a few times when going down the slide and in the big waves of the rapids that I got a little nervous and held on to mommy tight. Mommy seemed to think it was fun and so she convinced me. I didn't want to leave the park but mommy said we could come back again soon!

Bobby tries some rice cereal...unsuccessfully!

Bobby is 4 months now. The doctor said he is ready to try some solid food. Mom and dad tried to get him to eat some rice cereal but he really wasn't into it. I think that after seeing me get to eat all the fun stuff I do, he knew rice cereal wasn't a great option. I ate a popsicle and watched my little brother push away the spoon, make funny faces and spit out most of what managed to get in his mouth.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dinner party at our house

Nick, Brandi and Cane Bear came over last night for a dinner party. My cousin Mason and Auntie Stacy also came over for dinner. Mason and I played pretty hard and even talked Auntie into taking us to the park, to my swingset and then over the Mason's house for a shower to wash off. Brandi made us dirt cake which consisted of pudding, whipped cream, oreos and gummi was good!! Mason had watermelon because he doesn't know what is good like I do. Nick and daddy have been good friends since high school and so I'm sure Cane and Bobby will be best friends too. Cane tried to take a bite out of Bobby's arm while we were taking pictures, but he doesn't really have any teeth yet so it turned out okay. While we were posing for pictures Bobby wasn't really looking up at the camera so being the great big sister I am I tried to get him to turn his face to the camera. Mommy said that I didn't really need to pose him but I was just trying to help out. It was a great night!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I pick out Bobby a new outfit

Mommy and I had some girl time and went shopping. I got a new Dora the Explorer eating set with a plate, silverware, bowl. I also got some Dora pajamas! Then mommy had me pick out a new outfit for Bobby. This one he is wearing in picture was my favorite and so we got it for him. He looks great in it! I have good taste.

Bobby's new toy and my new box?

Bobby got a new toy that he can stand in to play. He loves it! Daddy put it together for him and I was helping until I decided it would be more fun to make a fort in the plastic storage box that Bobby's toy was in.

I love to swim!

Mommy got me a new swimsuit with a matching swim hat. I invite my cousin Mason over to swim all the time and we have great fun!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dad and Bobby nap and miss out on the fun

Dad and Bobby were napping this afternoon at the ranch while Mommy, Mason, Grandma M and I went on a ride and searched for wildflowers. I was so excited about my blue, pink, yellow, orange flowers! I kept smelling them and I told mommy they smelled like strawberries! Then when we got back Mason and I played on the swingset. I had such a great time at the ranch. Grandma Launa took Bobby to her room last night so my parents got a whole night of sleep (mom was pretty excited about that).

Riding a horse named Grandpa Kelly!

My Grandpa Kelly gives the best horsey rides! Mason and I both would get on but we'd fall off pretty quickly. Then Grandpa would tickle us once we fell off the horsey!

Out at the ranch!

My family went out to the ranch for 4th of July weekend. My best friend Mason was out there and my grandpa took us for a ride! We both got to drive and by drive I mean the ranger but it is likely that we drove grandpa crazy too.

Sharing with daddy

Lately I want to eat and do everything my daddy does and eats. Mommy makes us supper and then I eat some from my plate, but the same food on daddy's plate tastes much better. I steal food off of his plate but I don't like for him to try to take food off of mine.

Swimming in the pool!

Mom and dad got me my own swimming pool & the weather was finally nice for us to use it. Mason came over and we swam in the pool. We had so much fun. The water was freezing cold and so I was pretty chilly when I got out. Daddy warmed up my blankets in the dryer and then wrapped me up tight so I could warm up. I was so happy I told daddy, "Oh these are so perfect!" We plan to swim a lot out in our backyard this summer.