Sunday, August 28, 2011

Going to a baby shower with mommy

Today mommy said we are going to a baby shower for Patty Teagle's little boy Henry. He hasn't been born yet so mommy explained to me that he is in Patty's belly. She also said that baby Bobby was once in her belly and I tried to remember when mommy had a big belly where Bobby used to be....... Later on I was talking to my brother and I told him, "Bobby, you get in my belly!" Bobby looked at me pretty funny and he did not get in my belly like I told him. Mom painted our fingernails with sparkles today and I was so excited. I wanted daddy to get some sparkles too but mom said only us girls get sparkle fingernails.

Bobby starts to crawl

Bobby is starting to crawl now - he is getting the hang of it but only get slowly but surely. He loves to roll both ways, creep around the living room. He gets around pretty well.

Monday, August 22, 2011

We are so proud of our Bobby!

Bobby is sitting up on his own now - although he is a little unstable. He is such a happy, smiling boy. He laughs and smiles at everyone but especially at mommy. Here he is showing off what a big boy he is. He is almost sleeping through the night now too. Yesterday I made him laugh and laugh just by being silly and dancing for him. He really likes when I entertain him. We love our Bobby!

Mommy takes us to the Amusement park

Yesterday we met up with Stacy and Mas at the amusement park. Great grandma M came along with to keep track of Bobby. Mas and I jumped until we were tired and falling was just as fun as jumping. I made mommy go on all the other rides with me so she couldn't really take pictures. I suppose mommy should make me by brave and go on the rides by myself but I know she loves to hold and cuddle me so she rides next to me. We had a great time!

Mom's back at work

Mom is back to work this week and Bobby and I had a great first week in full time daycare. I tell mommy all the time that I am going to come out there and be the boss of U Mary. The U Mary president sent Bobby this shirt as part of their recruitment marketing plan.

Bobby updates

Here is a picture of daddy and Bobby taking a nap. Mom caught them and thought they were pretty cute. Bobby is really proud to be a little brother as you can see.

You are my sunshine

Yesterday I told my mommy - "You are my sunshine mommy, don't be afraid!" I say a lot of things that make my mommy laugh. Here I am covering and tucking in my Care Bears and reading

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This week mom went back to work full time on Thursday. For the last few weeks we have really tried to make the most out of having mom around in the afternoons. Today since it was mom's last day before working all day long she and I had a special girl's time afternoon. We went to the park, made some big huge bubbles for me to pop and then went for some ice cream. I had a great time. I told my mommy, "I really like myself!" Lately I've been really treating mom to some love. I give her lots of hugs and kisses, especially when she comes to wake me up in the morning. She doesn't even have to ask me for them, I just give them to her! I also have been telling my daddy that "I am going to be the boss at Bob Eckert Painting" I think I'd do a great job. Mom asked if I wanted to work at U Mary like she does and I told her that only if I could be the boss there too. I've been keeping a close eye on my brother Bobby while we are at daycare. Today when mommy and I went to get him he was in another room napping. I demanded of the lady who watches him, "Where is my baby brother!" She brought him right away and I was satisfied that they were treating him well.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Cuddling with my Care Bears


Today my great Aunt Toni, Cousin Miranda and Kim brought me over the best present in the world! CARE BEARS! My favorite bears are Funshine and Cheer and they brought those exact bears. I guess Miranda used to be a big care bear fan. This past week Grandpa Bob took me to the store to get a special care bear but they don't sell them anywhere. Luckily Miranda was willing to give hers to me. I have never been so excited. I gave them hugs, kisses and could not be separated from the bears (I even skipped dinner). I gave Miranda and Kim big hugs as thank yous too. Mom said she has never seen me so happy. I insisted that the care bears and I watch one of my care bear videos. I told Mirand and Kim that these Care Bears were direct from Care-a-lot.

This week was so much fun!

This week was busy for my family. Mommy only has a couple weeks left of summer part time work before she is full time again and so we are making the most of it! We went to the library, the park and the downtown urban harvest fair. At the fair I tried out the hula hoops - I was pretty good. I would hold the hoop and then shake my hips around while I held the hoop still. I had a lot of fun. Grandma Launa and I shared a cookie later on. Then yesterday we went to the Lundeen house for a backyard party. I saw my friends Connor and Olivia again and a whole bunch more toddlers! We swam in the kiddy pool, ran through the sprinkler ball and ate our dinner together at the picnic table. I was pretty popular since I had minnie mouse on my swimsuit. Bobby came too but he is too little to enjoy much of the fun activities.