Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Emmy and my special day

Today was a special day for me and my girl.  We had swimming lessons in the morning and after nap Grandpa and Grandma picked up Bobby and we went to the movie Brave.  Emmy has wanted to got to this movie for a long time and we made it her goal for becoming more consistent with potty training.  She has done really well with this lately.  Emmy and I were the only ones in the entire theater and she say on my lap for most of the movie (which I loved).  She ate lots of popcorn and danced in the aisles after the movie was done.  We then headed straight to gymnastics where I overheard her tell her teachers all about it.  Several times today I just thanked God for the blessings of Emmy and Bobby in our lives.  My heart is full of happiness just thinking about my kids and I actually teared up holding Emmy in my arms during the movie because I just was so darn grateful.  She told me many times out of no where today, "Mommy you are beautiful!" and a few times during swimming and gymnastics lessons she would run over just to tell me she loved me so much.  I heard some other parents laugh but I just thought it so sweet that she would run over just to let me know.  I know that these memories will become less as she gets older so I want to appreciate and savor them now!  God has been so good to us!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Do you think we should get rid of him?

Emmy was playing with legos and though Bobby had his own legos to play with he kept coming over to her and taking the ones she was playing with.  Tobb and I overhead Emmy say to Bobby..."Bobby you just keep being naughty!" and then to us, "Do you think we should get rid of him?"  then back to Bob, "If you keep being naughty we will have to get rid of you."  Robb and I tried not to laugh as we explained that Bobby was part of the family whether naughty or not.

Today we spent time at the park and then went to Cherry Berry for frozen yogurt.  Bobby and Robb shared and I had a fun time watching Bobby give Robb funny looks and smiles when Robb would tease him by moving the spoon away from his mouth when he was ready for a bite.  Bobby would stick his tongue out to try to catch the spoonful of yogurt and when Robb would take the bite instead Bobby would smile at him or laugh.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Zoo trip

We had a family trip to the zoo yesterday too.  The kids enjoyed watching the bears, prairie dogs and other animals and it was a very nice day weather-wise!

Daddy and Emmy's camp out

Last night Robb set up the tent and a fire pit and after Bobby (sorry, Bob you missed out again....wait til you are older) went to bed they went out to the yard for a camp out.  Cousin Mason came over adn they played on the swing set, ran around, cooked hot dogs and smores, watched a movie in the tent.....just had a great time.  Around 11:00 I was just falling asleep when Emmy climbed into bed with me telling me she was "cold and wanted to warm up and be comfy, cozy in bed" with me.  She told me she was scared of sleeping outside but if I would join her outside in the tent she wouldn't be scared any longer.  Not being the camping type I told her I would be sleeping in my own bed but she could warm up cuddling with me and then go to her bed.  I think we all fell asleep around midnight (a very late night for a girl who usually is in bed by 8.  Lucky Emmy got to sleep in this morning whereas Robb and I were up at 6 with Bobby who was not aware we all had a late night while he was dozing.  All in all, daddy planned a great time for the kids!

Poor Bobby!

Bobby almost always has some kind of minor injury.  This latest is a nice scratch right on his nose.  He just can't keep his beautiful baby face unmarked.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mom and dad bring home presents

We went on a short work trip (I had to visit some students at clinical sites).  We were only gone for a couple days but I know the kids were excited to have us home mostly because we brought back presents.  Emmy's favorite present was this Hello Kitty back pack.  Bobby got a spider man back pack (which Emmy informed him and us she can borrow).  Bobby is really talking now!  He can repeat anything you say and can ask for what he wants.  When he bumps his head or another body part he says, "Oww!" and then comes over to you holding up that arm, leg or whatever was bumped for a kiss.  Emmy started swimming lessons which has been an added challenge to my busy day of trying to work mornings and spend time with kids in afternoon.  Emmy's lessons are during my regular work time and so things for me have been crazy trying to get my work completed around the kids' busy schedule.  Emmy has soccer, gymnastics and swimming lessons now....Bobby is always busy! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Emmy has been asking to go fishing all summer.  We found her pole and I taught her how to hold it over her shoulder as we walked down to the river.  Kate and Mason joined us.  Kate was Emmy's new best friend and she played and watched over Emmy the entire time we were out at the ranch.  Bobby, Robb and I left that night but Emmy stayed with the Untersehers and her grandparents and really enjoyed going down the river, the campfire and most of all playing with Emma and Kate!

Some swimming is always fun

As soon as the Unterseher family got out to the ranch the kids jumped in the pool!  They just love to swim, splash and get wet!

a movie and some peek a boo on the way to the ranch

 Where's Bobby?
 There he is!!!! (this game went on for several miles....)
Meanwhile Emmy was immersed in Care Bears as we drove out to the ranch for the day

Monday, July 9, 2012

Yesterday was a hot one again and so we headed over the the Moldenhauer household to play in their pool and go down the slip and slide.  Bobby tried hard to keep up with Mason and Emmy but often got in their way.  He was a toughie and didn't cry when he was jumped on, pushed around (because he was often trying to do the same fun things they were).  He wants to do everything the big kids do!  Emmy and Mason played all afternoon and then later on Mason offered to give Emmy a ride home in his truck.  Emmy told him she wanted a ride at a slower pace than he usually goes and he obliged.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dad's new truck

Emmy and Bobby tried out dad's new (old) truck.  He just brought this truck home a few days ago and plans to make fixing it up again his new project with Grandpa Bob.  So far the kids were enjoying it.

Yesterday we were invited to the Place's pool.  They live down the street and were gracious hosts for us and the kids.  Grandma was there too and Emmy wore her out by jumping in the pool again and again and again.  Grandma would catch her and then give her a push towards the edge of the pool.  Emmy would swim hard to the edge and then get out and do it again.  Bob found an Aflac duck in the yard and was pretty entertained with him for a while.


I bought all the kids (including the cousins) superhero capes.  Emmy was excited to fly around and be Word Girl (this is one of her favorite cartoon shows to watch)

Bobby has more teeth

Bobby added two huge molars to his 8 teeth.  He adds to his vocabulary daily and can now jump off the ground with two feet.  His new words lately are bottle, bubbles, ball......
The kids love to play and climb into our empty storage plastic bins.  It is hard work to push them around the room since Bobby is almost 30 lbs and Emmy a good 37 lbs!  They love it though so I get a work out.
3 Generations of Robert Eckerts!
The Teagle family came to the party too.  Here are friends Luke and Robb with their boys Henry and Bobby.

Andrew turned four this past week and had a fun birthday party celebration.  Amber made the cool cake.  Grandma Candy shared a special moment with Emmy.  The kids swam, ate great food and just played together.

Emmy and Mason waved to the people in the parade and cheered.  They had so much fun!  When candy was thrown out the big kids would rush in front of them so once again I decided to make myself look pretty silly and started running out to make sure Emmy and Mason each got a piece of candy when it was thrown.
While we waited for the parade to start the kids wanted to ride on the train.....Emmy begged me to ride with her and since I never like to disappoint her I rode along with her.  I was definitely the biggest kid on the train and so let this picture serve as proof that I would do absolutely anything to make the little girl I love happy!

On the 4th of July we took Mason and Emmy to the parade in Mandan.  They dressed up in their cowboy and cowgirl attire and were VERY excited!
Sometimes Emmy enjoys sharing hugs with her brother.  Bobby is always up for giving her hugs and kisses but most of the time Emmy declines a "wet kiss" as she calls it from Bobby.  I will take those wet kisses anytime ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hillside Pool

Today my mom and I took the kids to Hillside Pool.  This was a pool Chad and I used to visit as kids.  We would ride our bikes down to the pool for the afternoon.  Not much has changed at Hillside pool since then but a lot has changed in my life!  I wanted to spend some time with Emmy since Bobby is usually attached to my hip.  My mom took Bobby and Emmy and I waved from the deeper side where we had a great time.  We only were gone for 15 minutes but apparently it was a long 15 minutes for my mom since Bobby cried the entire time, "mama mama mama."  I had a little spider monkey clinging on to me when I was reunited and lots of long kisses from my guy.  Another mom walked by us and after seeing Bobby's displays of affection to me she said, "oh I just love that, he is so sweet!" I agreed and told her I hoped he always loved me this much.  I know that the day is coming when huges and kisses from my kids may get harder to come by and so for not I love that they are attached to me and that they freely give affection!
 Grandma Launa, Emmy, Bobby and I went to the Heritage Center.  Bobby and Emmy were really excited to see all the animals.  They talked to the animals and pointed with excitement.
 I asked Emmy if she wanted to smell the buffalo (there is an exhibit where you can open a flap and then smell the buffalo scent.  She was so excited and I could tell that she thought they would likely smell very nice.  Her face was one of disgust mixed with surprise.......the facial expression for "What the heck mom!"  Now, yes this may have been mean to do to a toddler but if you grow up in Bismarck you must have an experience with smelling the buffalo at the Heritage Center.  Robb and I both have our own stories of this while traveling with our classes in grade school.  I wish I would have taped her initial reaction but the follow up description of the experience is almost as good!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hot weather means more time at the pool

Yesterday the Eckert family joined the Moldenhauer family along with the Moldenhauer grandparents at the Apple Creek Country club pool.  It was a great time.  The guys went golfing but the kids and moms went swimming.  Bobby loved to splash, jump in and play with toys (mostly other peoples even though I brought a whole tub of toys).  Emmy was swimming like crazy with her water wings on and no help.  I wish I could have taken some pictures but since Bobby is very attached to me I had no time.  He is at a stage right now where he only wants Robb or me to hold him.  He can say MAMA really well and so I can't exactly ignore his wishes to have me attach him to my hip.  I do love that he loves me though.  Last night they were very easy to get to bed as they were worn out.  When Emmy and I were talking to God she listened very intently to my prayer (which usually involves thanking God for Robb, Emmy, Bobby and for protecting and watch over us.....)  When I finished she said to me, "Oh mommy, that was such a sweet prayer!" 

She has been taking over a lot of my saying lately.  I didn't realize how often I start a sentence with the word "actually" until Emmy started doing it too.  The other day she got ice cream with her Grandparents Eckert and when Grandma Candy told her not to eat the paper on the outside of the cone she said, "Actually, my  mommy eats the paper on her ice cream cone all the time!"  For the record, I do not eat paper ;)

Today we are going to try out the Heritage Center together.  Hopefully Bobby doesn't break anything and Emmy doesn't ask too many questions about why the animals aren't moving there.