Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mason gets a microphone but Bobby gets to put on a performance

Our sweet little Bobby finds a way to make me laugh on a daily basis.  He really loved to sing into Mason's microphone and dance to the music he was making.  He has the best dance moves.  Arms up in the arm, knees bending and boucing up and down with a big smile on his face.  His singing was hard to understand but I think he is going to be quite the musician based on his early performances!

Mason's 4th Birthday party

 Mason turned four and celebrated by having the kids over for some jumping fun!  This year Bobby was able to really get in on the fun.  He did his best to keep up with the crazy older kids.  I barely could get any pics of Emmy because she was moving and jumping so fast!

 Robb got in there for a while and the kids had a blast jumpin on top of him....poor Robb.  He was complaining that his knee hurt for a few days afterwords.  He is at the bottom of the pile in the picture below.

Emmy's dance class

 Emmy has started Dance Class now.  She and her class do some stretching before class.
 Then they warm up by dancing and clapping to the music
 She gets pretty excited to see me watching and loves to run over and tell me that she loves me and I'm her best friend.
They also danced  to a song where they pretended to be kitties.

Emmy is every students' favorite test subject

Emmy has become a favorite test subject for the peds and motor control classes.  Two of our U Mary PT students came over and had  a lot of fun "playing" with Emmy.  I overheard some of their conversations with her which were pretty amusing.  I heard her talk about how hard it is to share with Bobby and how when she doesn't share she gets into trouble and must go to time out.  I also heard her talk about Santa and she remembered what the Santa that her daycare had come the the Xmas performance said to her and what he gave her from last year.  Her memory is much better than mine!

Monday, October 8, 2012

I love Emmy's prayers

Each night that Emmy and I say prayers together brings another story I think I should write on the blog.  Tonight she was saying her own prayer to God and started just talking nonsense.  I interrupted her and told her that God wants to hear about her day and he can't understand jibberish.  She told me that she was trying to make God laugh and asked me if I thought that God was laughing.  Last night she told me I could say my prayer to God first and so I did.  Among the things I said was me asking God to help me be the best person I could be.  Emmy listened really closely and was quiet for a while and then leaned close so our noses were touching and whispered to me, "You can't be the best ever because I am"  You gotta love that self esteem!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

What the kids are up to lately

Bobby has been busy learning new words.  He loves to point to his eyes, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks, ears, hair, tummy...and then point to these same body parts on the person asking about them.  He answers yes with an "mmmmhmmmmm" and No is answered with, "No, no, no, no."  He loves his sister Emmy and when I pick him up at daycare and get him first from his room he immediately asks for "Emmy!"  He sure loves that sister of his.  He is always asking me where she is at and looking for her around the house. He also has discovered that he likes to sweep the house and he makes car noises when he sweeps. 

Emmy had her first dance class this morning.  It was so fun to watch her with the other little girls.  I bought her new ballet slippers which she was really excited about.  She enjoyed looking in the big mirror and watching her own dancing.  She also liked to step out in front of the crowd and perform her dance moves as if she was leading the class.  At times she should have been listening and following directions from her teachers better but she really preferred to make up her own dance routines to the music.  After class we got smoothies together and then did some grocery shopping.  Emmy was very popular at the grocery store since she had insisted on wearing her sunglasses and fur coat (that her grandmas made for her).  Later some of my U Mary PT students came to do a motor control project on Emmy where they evaluated her motor skills when she was playing.  She loved having two fun girls to entertain her and Bobby joined in too since he doesn't like to miss out on any play time.