Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bobby in his Sunday school best

Sunday School best

I love to get Emmy dressed up in fancy clothes for Sunday school.  The next few days/weeks are crazy with Thanksgiving, then dance and church programs, rehearsals, dance pictures......this list goes on!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

running the race

I did copy a few of the pictures that they took while I ran.  I finished in 1 hour 39 minutes which was good considering I was trying not to run fast so I could just enjoy the race.  I still beat the times of the other 55 North Dakotans that were running the race though!

Running the Rock n Roll Vegas race

 Robb and I took a trip to Vegas to celebrate 5 years of marraige.  We walked, ate, went to a Cirque LOVE show but the highlight (for me) was running the Rock n Roll half marathon down the strip in Vegas!

The All American Rejects did the pre race concert.  Unfortunately I had to go to that alone since Robb had to start the half of the half race (6.5 miles) before my race started and during when they had the concert.  We both finished and were able to function the next day although Robb was sleeping by 9:30 that night!  It was his longest race and he did really well considering his knee and foot were hurting,

Monday, November 11, 2013

New friends

 Emerson met a new friend in Carden Halloevet.  They were pretty interested in the deer that Carden's dad Dustin shot.  There was a lot of talk about deer guts at our house last night!

Fun at the ranch

The kids had so much fun out at the ranch.  They played in the dog house (yuck) and ran around watching the cows, playing on the playground.  Bobby got his tractor ride with grandpa that he'd been waiting for.  The hunters were busy trying to find their deer.  Robb didn't shoot his yet but will keep trying. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Emerson's first eye exam

Emerson had her first eye exam in preparation for Kindergarten and just to make sure her eyes were healthy.  She passed all the exam with flying colors and the eye doctor told Robb (he took her to the appt) that she was definitely ready for school since she was identifying words, letters, numbers and doing math throughout the exam.  She really was hoping for a bad report so she could get a pair of the glasses she modeled in the waiting room.....but no such luck (depending on how you look at it) in getting glasses this time around.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Picture day at school

We dressed Bobby and Emmy up for picture day.  Bobby took some great shots before we left for school.  Emmy had a tootsie roll in her mouth but still managed to eat candy and give a pose.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Disney show

The kids really enjoyed the Disney show.  There were a few scary parts whe the evil queen and witch came out that made Bobby cry.  He was happy again once Mickey and Minnie returned and hopefully he isn't scarred for life!  We had good seats and the kids enjoyed some snacks that they happily shared at half time.  It was work to keep Bobby entertained during a LONG intermission (he told me many times he wanted to go home) but we managed to make it through a 2 and a half hour show without dad.  Emmy was an angel and enjoyed every minute of the show.  She will love Disney World this year.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween part II

One of the items Emmy brought home from daycare after their Halloween party was an eye patch.  Here Emmy is doing her impression of a pirate and Bobby liked trying it on too.

The kids actually enjoyed handing out the candy more than trick or treating I think.  They were SO excited about greeting the trick or treaters and giving them LARGE handfuls of candy.  It was hard to get them to wind down for bedtime.
Here is a picture of our crew headed out on the Halloween adventure.  I mostly pulled them along to houses and made sure they got in and out of the wagon without tripping over their costumes.  I stayed pretty warm as the wagon got heavy with kids and candy as we progressed through the neighborhood trick or treating.

Trick or treating

The kids put on their costumes and we headed out trick or treating with Stacy, Mason, Cameron.

They were all very good about taking turns ringing the doorbell, saying trick or treat and thank you....Bobby only once asked for extra candy ;)
We made a stop at Aunt Tony's house and she had purchased big special treats for the kids.  A computer for Bobby and a Pony with hair she could braid for Emmy.  They were so excited that it was easy to convince them to start heading home since they wanted to play with their new toys.