Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bobby is a funny old man

Lately Bobby has become so smart that he often leaves me at a loss for what to say next to him.  I tried reasoning with him last night when he wanted to sleep in my bed with me and it didn't go too well.  He made a sound argument that if I just scooted over there would be plenty of room for him.  Also, he pointed out that I like to cuddle and so it would be nice to have Bobby in my bed to do that for me.  When I told him he couldn't come sleep in my bed he told me that he didn't want to be alone and so I would need to come sleep in his bed then.  This morning Bobby's teacher told Robb that yesterday when Bobby had an accident in his 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates' undies his teacher Susan told him that they would have to throw those undies away now and that he'd have to wear a diaper.  He told her, "Susan, my daddy told me that would happen if I pooped in my underwear.....but don't worry I've got other Jake underwear at home"  She told us that he said it just like a 40 year old man would explain something to another adult.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Emmy's pre school parent teacher conferences

Emmy got a glowing report at her Pre-K parent teacher conferences.  Her teacher wrote, "Way to go on a hard working year.  Emmy has really grown in the past year.  So proud of her!"  Her teachers told us stories of how polite, kind, eager to please, theatrical, smart, animated our girl is at school.  We were so happy to hear that she is doing well, showing off her true personality there at school.  Her teacher told me that when the class sings songs Emmy dances, sings with her eyes closed, uses vibrato and sings louder and with more emotion than anyone!  That's my girl!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bobby in his tractor bedding

Bobby has been so excited to sleep with his new bedding he chose.  Yesterday morning I went down to get him and he was completely underneath his covers in bed talking to himself.  I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he was just looking at the other side (the inside cover) of his bedding to look at those tractors too.  He just loves his bedding!  Grandpa Kelly took him the entire day on Monday for a full day of eating pancakes and sausage, riding trucks and tractors and Bobby was in complete Heaven on Earth!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My proud big boy!

Bobby is now only wearing underwear to school and he is SO PROUD.  This morning he asked me to take a picture of him wearing his big boy underpants (with the Disney Cars movie characters on them).  I can't believe that both kids are out of diapers, in big beds......definitely not babies anymore.  I've taken advantage of every early morning that I have Bobby or Emmy want to climb into my bed to snuggle (no matter how early it actually is).  This morning Emmy climbed in and gave me kisses for about 5 minutes.  I also got two beautiful valentines from the kids yesterday that they made at school.  Emmy told me that they were to make a valentine for either mommy or daddy and she picked me (don't tell Robb)....I felt pretty special!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Little Eckert love :)

It is true that Bobby and Emmy sometimes fight and don't always like to share but most often they really do get along well and love each other.  They take good care of each other and even enjoy some cuddling on the couch.

On Sunday we went to Sunday school/church where the kids enjoyed some music time.  Bobby enjoys singing and dancing more than all the other kids combined and the music leader Derrick doesn't like to start without him.  Bobby spins in a circle, dances and puts his hands up in the air while singing and gets very exciting when he knows the songs that are song in Sunday school.  Some of the kids are very entertained by him and one of the 2nd grade girls in my class asked if Bobby could just stay with us in our class the entire time because "he is so cute!"  He gives the music leader high fives and always remembers to run over to him and thank him for the music time at the end of the session.  I just love my sweet little kids so much and I am so proud of how nice they are to other kids and how grateful they are to adults who help make Sunday school fun.

Indoor fun since the weather is SO COLD

Since the weather has been single digits for the past two months we have had to get creative about how we let the kids burn off energy.  We've been visiting a lot of the indoor play grounds, playing a lot of dress up and we often turn the heater up in the garage, move the cars out and let the kids play there too.  The most fun they had this weekend was at Leaping Lizards where they bounced, ran, laughed and got the sillies out.  We brought Mason with us too which was fun.  At the end of the day as we were getting our coats, hats, boots on one mom came over to tell me that Bobby had taken her family on a plane ride to see Grandpa in Florida.  There is a teeter totter plane that multiple kids can ride in and there is a steering wheel up front.  Bobby loves to pretend to drive and this mom told me that he had everyone get on board and then pretended to fly them all to see his Grandpa Kelly who was in Florida.  She thought it was pretty cute and I had to agree!  Mason broke the news to Emmy that they were no longer boyfriend/girlfriend.  He told her, "I hate to break this to you but I already broke up with you...."  She took the news well and seemed to have moved on just fine.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl fun

This year we had two super bowl parties to go to so we started our evening at the Moldenhauer's house where the kids always enjoy their time spent with the other little people.  The food and fun was great there and somehow Robb got convinced to read with as many kids as he could fit on his lap.  Bobby really liked Dante and Kylie's puppy Zeus but at times ran to mommy for protection.  Robb dropped us off around 7 and went to the Bear's house while the kids and I watched the half time show and then got ready for bed.