Sunday, March 30, 2014

A few weekends ago we went to the Heifer International Market at church.  The kids made crafts and I made cupcakes for their class (and my 1st, 2nd grade class) to sell and then the kids bought items they liked from all the classes to help raise money for buying farm animals for people in countries where having these animals could feed and help support the families.

This weekend we went to the circus.  I remember going to the circus when I was a little kid and now I get to bring my kids!  Emmy and Bobby each got to choose a toy they wanted and then Emmy and I had an elephant ride while Bobby chose to ride on the pony.

I later got slushies for the kids which they really enjoyed.  Bobby told us that his favorite part was the trick motorcycle riders and the tigers and Emmy loved the acrobat ladies and the elephant ride.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Play park time

The kids enjoyed the afternoon at the indoor play park last weekend.  They are really nice with the other kids that come to play and even Bobby has no trouble sharing the driving privileges of the truck that is there.  Emmy was very good in her reactions to a mean little girl who was picking on her.  The mother ended up apologizing to Emmy for the little girl's behavior but I was proud that Emmy didn't reciprocate the naughty behavior while there.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Veggie Tales night at church

We had a busy day and spent a lot of time at our church yesterday.  The kids and I were at Sunday school in the morning (Robb at church service).  Later on Robb took Emmy to Veggie tales night.  The kids watch a church themed cartoon show and eat pizza and popcorn.  Bobby didn't get to go because he was naughty during the afternoon and wouldn't stay in his room for nap.  Dad revoked his veggie tales privilege and he had to stay home with mommy.  He is getting to think that when we use a stern voice or punish him it is funny and so we've had to be harder on him (which is really not easy since he is so cute and sweet when you try to get mad at him).  Emmy had a great time, ate 3 whole pieces of pizza and brought home some extra stickers and coloring pages for Bobby.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bobby and Emmy are funny

Bobby was excited to get birthday money from his Grandpa Bob and Grandma Candy.  He even got a wallet to keep his change in.  When he got this gift he was so excited, the first thing he yelled out was, "Mommy, now I can buy you popcorn!"  He is such a sweet, thoughtful little boy.  Later on he tried to give me all his change.  When I declined the offer and told him that it was for him to have Emmy offered, "Bobby if you want to give someone all your money.....give it to me!"  She makes me laugh and is always trying to talk her brother into things that may benefit her.  This reminds me of someone....oh yeah, me!  Bobby also got  bike helmet and a bike horn as part of the gift he picked out with his money when he and grandpa went shopping.  He ran into the house to show me and honked it (many times) at me.  "Be scared mommy, act like you are SO scared now!"

Yesterday she found a computer game that has a picture of a raccoon that you can superimpose on picture you take of things around the house.  She got pretty creative and took a picture of the toilet so it looked like the raccoon was getting flushed down the toilet!  Then she had Bobby take a picture with his mouth open so it looked like he was eating the raccoon.

Bobby and Emmy spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house and when they got home Bobby told me that he was glad to be home now so he could protect me.  He got a late nap but I wanted to wake him up at the normal time.  He was still tired and yawning and he said to me, "Mommy next time if I am sleeping down there do not wake me up because you made me really tired!"

The other night Bobby told me he felt so sorry and sad for me.  When I asked him why he said that he really misses his Grandpa Kelly and he knows that Grandpa Kelly is also my dad and so he feels so sad for me that I have to miss my dad while he is in Florida!

Robb has been gone for almost a week and the kids and I all really miss him.  He is a great dad and help to me and so we are anxiously awaiting his arrival!

Friday, March 14, 2014

My little charmer!

Bobby has been our problem child with going to bed and STAYING IN his bed lately.  Last night after my third trip down there I said to him in an annoyed voice, "Bobby what do you need now?" he replied, "I need some luvin'"  Right now, I am the sole parent as Robb has been at a convention all week and will be gone until late Sunday.  The patience required to be the only parent is difficult at times.  They are really good kids though all in all!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Donuts and haircuts

Emmy and Bobby went with me this past week to get donuts and haircuts.  Emmy told me that the donut shop smelled "refreshing!" and the donuts they chose were very telling of their personalities.  Bobby wanted a plain donut with glaze and he only ate half.  Emmy ate her entire frosted sprinkled donut and then wanted the candy that the stylist gave her after her bangs were cut as well.  Bobby really needed to hair cute but it was sad to see those beautiful curls go.....they will grow back again though!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Finally some fun outside and the first time on skates!



Today hit 40 degrees outside and every thing started melting.  We took the opportunity to try out the skates that the Untersehers sent to us.  The kids mostly fell or were guided around by Robb and I but they enjoyed it.  Later they played on the play ground and then we went for some frozen yogurt.  It was a fun day outside.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fun with family

I have some extra time away from work this week and so I met Emmy at swimming and then to took her out lunch at Old McDonalds. She was excited to see me and it was so much fun to watch her swim.  She got special cookie and had some play time there before I brought her back to school.

Later tonight she told me that she felt bad for me because I have a callous on my hand and she gave me lots of kisses over it.  She asked why it was there and I answered that it was from working hard.  She inspected my other hand and found no callouses and said, "Mommy this hand did not work very hard!"