Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter fun

We made our own Easter eggs and the kids really enjoyed getting creative with coloring them.  Of course, Bobby made the most ORANGE colored eggs and Emmy stuck with PINK as these are their favorite colors.

I spent some time hiding all the eggs I could find (stuffed with candy) around our basement and the kids raced around to fill their buckets.  They really enjoyed this and this year Robb and I really didn't have to help them find the eggs as they are getting pretty good at searching in all the hiding spots.

They had a picture day at school and so Emmy had to pick out her own dress and tights.  I tried to steer her towards comfortable leggings and a warmer outfit since she had swimming lessons and would likely be playing outside at school later after pictures were over but I couldn't convince the princess to wear anything other than a fancy outfit.  Bobby was easier to dress and he wore what I asked.  I suggested they pose giving kisses and Emmy told me she would give Bobby one but didn't need one from him (I know this is because she is convinced that he gives "wet kisses" and by kissing him she could avoid a kiss from him).  Unfortunately her plan backfired since Bobby was SO upset he didn't get to give a kiss back to her.  I asked Emmy if she'd be willing to receive a kiss from her brother on the cheek and she complied.  It made for some cute photos of some good looking little kids!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Enjoying my time with my favorite people

Today was a great day. Poor Robb was home sick with the flu so the kids and I were busy having fun outside of the house.  We started our day at the gym where Emmy took good care of Bobby when he was feeling shy.  The kids are so good to each other.  If Bobby get a pink candy he is always giving it to Emmy and the other day Emmy was playing dress up and dressed as Elsa and Bobby came over to her, bowed and said, "May I have this dance princess?"  I loved it!  Later in the day we went to visit Grandma Pearl and the kids really had fun at her house.  Then we went to the park where they played together until Bobby informed me he had to go poddy.  There were no toilets at the park and so I found a place by a tree where I could watch Emmy, help Bobby and where the least amount of people could watch us.  I tried to help his little weewee aim away from his clothes but when I directed him to put it up, he peed on his shirt...if I told him to put it back down he peed on his pants.  Needless to say we got as much pee on his clothes as we did on the ground.  It dried though as he played and we ventured on to Orange Leaf frozen yogurt.  There I helped the kids pick their flavors and then handed Bobby and Emmy their dishes and told them to just stand by and I would get myself some and then we would pay.  When I got finished serving myself I turned around and Bobby had found the only table with two pretty highschool girls and had pulled up an empty chair and was seated at their small table with this yogurt....patiently waiting and enjoying the company.  The girls thought he was adorable of course and everyone in the store laughed.  The three of us thoroughly enjoyed our treat and the kids told me several times they had a great day.  We then came home and I made them each their favorites after stopping by to get Dad Gatorade.  The kids were really worried about how daddy was sick so we said a prayer.  I have a conference Wednesday and so I'm hoping all will be healthy soon!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Church Easter party

They had a cupcake making station at the Church Easter Party.  The kids went straight to that station first and seemed to enjoy the making of the cupcake as much as eating it.....well, maybe not quite that much. 

Next they through stones and tried to get it into the top of the pyramid.  Bobby and Emmy enjoyed the game and got to pick out a present afterwards

The next game involved searching for stones and picking them up with their feet. 

Then they rocked out to some music videos.  Here we thought Emmy was our future rock star but Bobby may give her a run for her money......

The kids then made Easter baskets that they used during the Egg hunt and stopped by the tattoo station to get some Easter tattoos.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Birthday Fun!!

Here is Emmy at Leaping Lizards fun park with two of her birthday friends

They jumped, ran, played, laughed and did some posing!!

Here is Emmy with her girl friends, they were all such sweet girls.  It was fun to watch them together.

Bobby kept busy he would laugh, play very hard, fall down a lot and get up laughing again.  He concentrated on some foosball and some air hockey during parts of the 3 hour party.

Emmy had a rainbow Winx fairy cake.  The rainbow cake I had made and then the cake decorations I had to order on Amazon.  It was a great party and all the kids were sweaty and worn out by the end.

Emmy's reactions to her gifts were pretty hilarious.  We have many more shots of her excited, joyous face as she got her gifts.

a fantastic Sunday

We took advantage of some beautiful Sunday weather to take our first trip of 2014 to the zoo.  The kids love the zoo.  They feed the baby cows and goats, run around and watch the animals.  Bobby was talking to the baby cow and Emmy told us she really likes to hear the stories of the animals.  Some of the stories involve histories of how the animals were injured in the wild and came to the zoo for rehabilitation....Emmy told us she doesn't like the sad parts but still wants to hear about them.  Later on, we went to get frozen yogurt.  Emmy no longer wants to share and chooses her own flavors.  Robb and Bobby share with Bobby directing Robb in what flavors he is allowed to eat and which ones are only for Bobby.  It was a great day.....we are so blessed!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Emmy girl turns FIVE!!

Today is our Emmy's birthday. Robb and I woke her up this morning with the happy birthday song, let her open her presents, dressed her in her favorite princess dress and then sent her off to school with the hot pink frosted, princess ring decorated cupcakes I had picked up yesterday for her.  She was off to a great start for her day.  When I picked her up from school she told me she wanted her birthday dinner to be McDonalds.  When we arrived at home she wanted to wear her new gymnastics leotard with her new fairy wings/hair clip ins.  Then she told me to take a picture of her doing this pose.  Saturday we've invited all her family, friends to Leaping Lizards play park with the inflatables and I'm sure she will have a fantastic time there.  We feel so blessed to have this little lady in our lives, there is truly only ONE Emerson!!