Friday, January 23, 2015

Videos of Bobby's concert

Bobby's winter pre-K program

Bobby was a hit at the Pre-K program last night.  He performed many songs with actions, sign language and with great enthusiasm.  He blew me and his Grandpa, Grandma Eckert, dad and sister kisses in between songs.  When I didn't catch them because I was getting my video camera ready he told me that they were waiting for me on top of my head when I was ready to catch them.  Later that night he told me that though he did blow kisses to everyone he blew the most to me!  We were so proud of him.  Grandpa Kelly is also in town for a few days and took Bobby out for pancakes.  We told his teachers to not let him know why he wasn't eating lunch at school but his teacher told me later that Bobby told her that he knew he wasn't eating with the class because his Grandpa would be getting him for pancakes today......I am not sure how he knew!  My dad told me he still was very excited and surprised when he came to pick him up later.  My dad bought him gumballs at the end of lunch and Bobby asked if they could get one for him to take to his sister.....that made my heart melt. When I picked Bobby and Emmy up from school they had been outside and when I reminded Bobby about the gumball he took a frozen gum ball out of his pocket to give to his very happy sister.  My dad told me Bobby is very articulate, polite and fun to have around.  I'm a proud mom for sure!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bobby is back to school today after taking time off to recover from the flu.  Last night he fell asleep at 5:30 and slept until 6:30 this morning.  He woke up thirsty but with no fever for the past 24 hours he was ready for school.  Emmy requested to wear her leather jacket she got for Christmas from Auntie Amber.  She looked pretty fancy and couldn't wait to show her jacket off to her friends. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Christmas time blur

The kids had a fabulous Christmas and I am just getting to posting these pictures now (in January) because the last month has been a blur.  Bobby asked for a guitar and his Grandpa and Grandma Moldenhauer bought one for him.  It was a popular gift with both Emmy and Bobby making up songs that they played for us.  They also got ninja turtles that talk with each other (Bobby from Grandparents Eckert), fancy outfits (Emmy from aunties), ever after high dolls (Emmy from auntie and Grandma M) and lots of other gifts as well.  They got to spend time with their cousins on Christmas night at Eckerts and then for brunch on Xmas day that we hosted at our house.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

After our Florida trip

The kids sent me some really fun videos they made for me while I was at the Medora retreat for work.  I got at least two videos a day and I really enjoyed watching the kids.  They made up songs that mostly had lyrics of "I love my mommy"  The other video is of Emmy skating.  Emmy has been improving so much in hockey as well and we are so proud of her positive attitude out there!

Future stars in the making - Emmy and Bobby showing us their musical talents

Florida FUN

Emmy, Bobby, Robb and I headed down for our annual week in Florida.  Grandma and Grandpa's new place is unbelievably fun.  There is a beach, club house and a great pool.  Emmy and Bobby have their own rooms too.  Emmy and Bobby were in the pool for hours every day we were there.

After spending a couple of days in Florida we headed to Orlando

In Orlando we headed to SeaWorld and even though the park was packed with people we were able to make some special memories together. 

We had arranged for a special meeting with the penguins where we learned all about them and then got to pet a couple of penguins too.  Bobby and Emmy loved this and it was pretty amazing.  Emmy's favorite thing we did was watch the Killer Whale show.  The whales splashed people and did some pretty neat tricks that the kids still talk about.  We also got to observe all kinds of different sea animals.

On our second day in Orlando we went to Disney Hollywood Studios.  We didn't get there last year and so we went to a lot of shows (including Frozen).  It was raining the entire day and so we bought to super expensive ponchos and kept right on going.  The kids both loved the ride where we got to try to shoot things in an arcade style game based on Toy Story.  It was a bit of a competition that Emmy/daddy like to remind Bobby/mommy that they beat us playing.  Next time - rematch!

On one of our last nights in Florida, Grandpa and Grandma took us out to eat.  We had an awesome meal and kids and grandpa kept busy making crafts out of these bendy sticks that the restaurant provided pre-meal.

Similar to last year we went to the outdoor park with the bounce houses and fountains.  The kids loved that place last year and once again it was a hit.  Emmy and Bobby play very nice together and they had a lot of fun running through the fountains.  No injuries were had on the giant inflatable slide which was a nice improvement from our experience at this park last year.

Emmy has some homework and luckily Grandma was around to help her work through her book.

Grandpa and Grandma had arranged for a babysitter and we got to spend New Year's Eve with them and their friends in downtown Naples.  It was a really fun time and we enjoyed ourselves.  They out-partied us though and Robb and I were in bed by 1.

We also took a trip to the Shell factory where the kids looked at animals, fed animals and took pictures posing.  Emmy was afraid of the meat eating dinosaurs and requested I get in the picture too.  I agreed to take the picture with her but suggested we show those dinos who was boss by flexing our muscles.  It was really cute to see the kids feed the birds and ducks.  They tried to feed the turtles and peacocks but those animals weren't as interested.  My kids are pretty brave that is for sure?  Bobby did his penguin song and dance for the parrot he met but changed the "penguin" to "parrot" in the song to accommodate his new friend.  Later on we finished the afternoon with ice cream (of course) like we did on many days there!