Monday, February 23, 2015

Fun times for the Eckert kids

This past weekend Emmy had a hockey game and this time she played goalie.  She loved it.  Later that night Robb took the kids to church for veggie tales night where they watched the new veggie tales and ate pizza.  Emmy had two slices and Bobby ate 3!  We also went to gymnastics open gym on Saturday and the kids got to exercise their sillies out.

Monday, February 16, 2015

What mom's been up to at work and what to do on a cold ND day

 I was in Indianapolis at the beginning of the month presenting research that I have been working on for a few years.  It was VERY cold there with temps in the teens but Missy and I ran the APTA 2.5 mile race and had a great time.  I finished in 17 minutes and got 2nd place amongst the females.  The girl that beat me was definitely a student and so I will let that one go.

Super dad Robb set up an obstacle course at our house this past weekend and the kids loved it.  There were lazer beams to go under and over, things to jump over, a place where they were tossed stuffed animals to catch.  Bobby dressed up like spider man so he could really do well on the course.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Another little hockey player

Robb has taken Bobby to a couple of open ice times this month and Bobby is really enjoying hockey.  He also likes that dad buys him snacks afterwards.  He has met some new friends (Henry Teagle and Eli Stenberg) there as their dads bring them too.  Yesterday Robb told me that they were about to purchase Bobby's treat and he said, "No, wait!" ran over to Eli (Henry was gone this day) and asked him what snack he would like since Bobby planned to share with him.  He also remembered that Henry was sad last time because Bobby didn't get Oreos to share with him and had told Robb that if Henry was there Bobby would make sure to get Oreos to share.  Eli's dad commented to Robb that Bobby's parents must be raising him right!  Bobby also grabbed some mini cupcakes for Emmy and I because he didn't want us to be left out of the treats.  He is such a sweet thoughtful little boy.  I'm so proud to see how he thinks of everyone and makes sure to share.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Volunteering at Emmy's school

Today I got to volunteer at Emmy's school for the 100th day of school celebration.  Emmy was SO excited to show everyone who her mommy was and I got several hugs, kisses and smiles.  We had sent some money to her teacher to help pay for supplies and Mrs. Vollmers announced that Emmy and her parents gave money to help with the part and Emmy smiled a big smile and me like she was so proud.  She made sure every kid knew who I was and the little kids were so sweet.  I helped with snack and games and had a great time helping out there.  I am so happy to see how friendly, sweet and well behaved my girl is......I couldn't be prouder and I feel confident she feels the same way about me!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Another tooth gone!

I pulled out a tooth the other day and felt like super mom.  Emmy had a big tooth growing in behind it and was very brave about letting me push it around.  The tooth fairy gave her $3 and wrote her a note commending her bravery. 

Emmy's valentines

Today I helped Emmy put together her Valentines for school.  She chose Fun Dip and was at first most concerned that since this was her favorite candy she wanted to make sure she gave herself a valentine.  After assuring her that we could make sure she got one she proceeded to cut out numbered cards that he teacher asked to be put onto each valentine.  She did such a great job cutting and it again reminded me of how fast she is growing and how much she is developing.  She could read 80% of the names on her own and sounded out the letters very well.  She also provided me with a lot of comic relief.  She told me that, "Wyatt's best friend is Cambryn (who is a girl) but I think he might be in love with me."  I told her she better not tell daddy that and she agreed with me.  Then she told me about the boy she likes, Gentry.  She held up his valentine and placed it near her heart and said, "This is for my love."  I played along although I can't believe my girl likes boys already.  She told me she likes Gentry because he is the boy who knows about Wild Kratts (which is a cartoon/adventure show about animals).  She later clarified then by saying "he is the goodest looking boy in class that knows about Wild Kratts."  So any boy that likes Emmy take note:  you must be good looking and share her interests.  Sounds about right to me!