Tuesday, May 31, 2016

 Bobby had his kindergarten check up this morning.  He is taller than average and has actually LOST weight since his last check up.  I'm sure it is due to all that exercise he does.  He didn't cry even though he needed two shots and he was very social as always with the doctor.

Bobby and I picked up Emmy at school where she was the last one out as always.  We got smoothies, socks for soccer and then I noted that Emmy fell asleep in the backseat.  Just a few more days of school left but she is worn out.  I am chaperoning her zoo field trip tomorrow and I'm excited to have lunch with her.

Let the summer fun begin!

 This month I attempted to run a race for Team Eckert but had some issues and had to drop out.  While that was a bummer, it didn't ruin the weekend at all.  While we were away Emmy and Bobby were being well taken care of by their grandparents.  When we returned we ran the 2nd annual Color race.  The kids had a blast and we met up with our friends the Kotelnickis.  In the end Team Eckert crossed the line together, holding hands and feeling really great about the 3 plus miles.  The kids didn't ask to be held or piggy backed the entire way!

 Bobby photo bombed this pic - what a funny boy!

 Emmy had an art show at school and so Bobby and I went to admire her art.  She was very proud of her projects and her brother was very proud of her.
 We have lots of fun planned for this summer.  Our list is growing but we have started checking things off of it already!

 We have had a few pool parties already.  Emmy had two girlfriends over and Bobby had his cousins.  They kids played great together and then stopped for a snack.
Bobby and I walked down to the park on Memorial day and he climbed this rock 20 times.  He kept telling me it was great exercise and that he was working his tummy muscles.  That boy has a lot of energy.  We held hands on the walk there and also back and had a good chat.  He informed me that he will have to move into another house with my grandkids when he grows up but he will move into a house right next to me and will let me know in advance so as to prepare me for the transition.   He knows how to make this mommy happy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Eckert adventures

 We attempted to go to the Jungle Book movie but it proved to be too scary for little Bobby.  He hid in my lap as the lion attacked the other animals and we even tried to leave the theater for a bit to see if it got less scary. I feared nightmares for him though and so we decided to leave and Emmy chose not to stay as well.  Spent a lot of money finding out that movie was not for 5 year olds!
 Grandma Launa is back and she brought new wardrobes along for everyone again!  Emmy loves this swimsuit and has been wearing it in and out of the pool.

Stacy took the girls to the Princess party this past weekend and Emmy had a great time.  I dressed her up like Cinderella and she wanted to look EXACTLY like her.  Stacy spoiled all the girls by buying them another dress (Emmy picked the Merida Brave dress) and also an outfit for a doll.  What an awesome auntie!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Summer is coming - weekend fun

Bobby's daycare went to a farm and they sent us a picture of Bobby posing by a horse.  He wore full cowboy attire to the farm to make Grandpa Kelly proud!

 Emmy had her final dance performance on Saturday.  She did great and had a fun time.  I bought her a flower and Bobby wanted to present it to her at the end.  He cheered for her and watched some of the dancing attentively.  He is a super fan.

The Eckert pool is open!  It was 70 degrees this past weekend but the pool was 94 degrees so we had a fun time swimming and playing.  This picture captures the first JUMP into the pool for the season.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


 Emmy was playing some basketball at the neighbors hoop (yes, with her bike helmet on).  It reminded me of going over to my neighbor's house to practice every day when I was younger.  Her skills are definitely improving.
 Emmy's last day of dance practice was earlier this week.  She picked the outfit out herself to wear (including the hat).  Her last performance is this Saturday.
 Robb and I hosted a Republican fundraiser this week and the grandparents were in charge.  Bobby and Emmy convinced them that they sleep naked and Robb took a picture of the sleeping Bobby we came home to that night.
Emmy wrote a note for her teacher for Teacher Appreciation week, I thought her rhyming skills were on point!
My cute little Starbucks date this morning with her healthy cookie breakfast.  We always have a great time together.