Thursday, July 28, 2016

Minot State Fair 2016

 We ran into this guy as we got to the fair.  Bobby was all about giving him hugs but Emmy decided against it!
 The kids rode most rides together but some rides apart when their tastes in where to go next differed.  Luckily both Robb and I were there to chase them around and make sure they went on any ride they wanted to.

 Emmy was so sweet about sharing her rides with other new friends.  Bobby was fine with someone riding shotgun as long as he got to drive and master the steering wheel.  He was pretty into pretending to drive fast and wild.

 Emmy and I enjoyed some ice cream for our treat while the boys had pizza and Bobby picked a sno cone.

 They got their face painted again this year while listening to a gospel story.  It was cute to watch them interact since they both have a great relationship with God and Jesus and feel very safe in talking all about it.

 This cow was born on Bobby's birthday!  He posed next to him since they had that in common

 both kids chose their favorite bunny in the bunny barn and posed next to him/her.
 The kids won a ballon of their choice.  I was surprised by Emmy's choice of a ice cream cone but now by Bobby's choice of a gun

 The rotating wheel at the fun house was no challenge to these two.

 They loved the bounce houses and the slide.  This was the first time they didn't get have me to escort them up to the top.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

More fun to be had

 Emmy got dressed up for a birthday party that included a limo ride.  She wanted to get dressed up and fancy!

Emmy had her last softball game of the season.  Bobby cheered her on for a while but then found a friend and headed to the park.  At the park he found sticks he made into weapons.  I called him over to remind him not to pretend to shoot at his friends and he asked very innocently - "OK, well can I ax my friends?"

We went to Raging Rivers on hot day this week.  I couldn't keep up with the kids well enough to take pictures but it was a milestone day since Emmy got to ride down the big slides for the first time ever.  She went along with her cousin Mason and Bobby headed over to the other part of the park.  Grandma and I struggled to supervise them all but we managed.  They had a great time.

Sleepy Hollow Play - Beauty and the Beast

Bobby went to his first Sleepy Hollow play and Emmy went to her 3rd!  They enjoyed it even though it was a late night.  Bobby spent most of the time on my lap and Emmy tried desperately to make enough room on there for me to hold both kids.  I tried my best to get them both in my lap to cuddle them because I always appreciate that they are growing fast and may not want to cuddle up with me in years to come!  The play was so-so but the company was fantastic.  Grandma Launa, Mason, Cameron, Stacy and her sister and family joined us.  We ate popcorn, candy and Bobby had a root beer float as well.  I helped him finish that off though.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bobby loses his first tooth!

Bobby came running into my bedroom yesterday to show me that his loose tooth was bleeding.  I looked in his mouth and noted that the tooth was basically just hanging there!  I asked if I could pull it for him and he readily agreed and after one little tug up that tooth popped right out!  Bobby was EXCITED and very happy.  He was so proud and the tooth fairy left his a note and 4$.  I can't believe he is old enough for losing baby teeth and it just is another reminder that I am losing my baby........insert tears here.  I love how brave and tough he is though and how thrilled he is about growing into this big boy he has become in the past year.  I love his new smile too.

Believe it or not the above picture is not even ALL of the kids we had in the pool yesterday.  The heat index was 110 degrees and so the pool was the popular place to be.  The kids had a great time and everyone played very nice together.  Heather is convinced Emmy is a future cheerleader and since she already chose cheerleader for her Halloween costume I think that may be the path she in on (note the pose again as she jumps in pool).  Bobby got down into a starting position to run into the pool.  He was a little behind the group in his timing.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

making memories at the ranch

We had a great afternoon at the ranch.  We went for a hayride and Grandpa Kelly took the kids out on the  horses which they loved.  Emmy rode solo and Bobby rode with Grandpa.  Emmy really picked right up where she left off in riding horse from last year.  Grandpa does such a great job teaching them and has such patience.  They played with their cousins and other kids out at the ranch and then we went to the river to cool down (it was a hot one)!  It was a day packed full of fun memories.