Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas time is here again

The kids had a great Christmas again this year.  They made gingerbread cookies (the one on the right is me!)  They got lots of presents and Santa came again this year.  We had so much fun with family and now we are getting ready to pack up and head to Florida!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Some fun memories

Emmy's grandpa Bob took her to the Jan Brett signing.  Emmy told us Jan Brett is her favorite author and grandpa discovered that Jan Brett is VERY popular in Bismarck.  They waited in line for hours to get that book signed.  Then they went out for sushi.  I asked Emmy why she didn't bring me back sushi (teasing) and she told me she felt like grandpa had already spent so much money that she didn't want to ask him for more.  Emmy and Robb went to Grand Forks for a tournament.  A girl on Emmy's team is related to the Lamoreaux twins and the Olympic hockey team members took pictures with all the girls even though they both are due to give birth any day!  What great role models for Emmy and her teammates. 

While Emmy and Robb were away.  Bobby and I enjoyed, "Mommy and Bobby's special days" as we chose to call them.  We went out for sushi and then cuddled up in my bed for a Christmas movie together.  The next night we went to a movie.  I had promised Bobby we'd sit in the D Box seats but when we got to the theater there was only one seat left.  I asked him if he'd rather we sit together or sit apart and he get that last D box seat.  He chose D box and so I sat by another young boy while he sat with an entire family in the D box seats.  We laughed about going to this movie "together" but really apart. I was seated in the row below Bobby and he would take time out many times to yell to me that he loved me, kiss my head or blow me a kiss.  He was still such a sweet date.  That night he again slept in my bed and I had to maneuver around getting kicked several times during the night.  It was worth it thought to have extra time with him.  He is fun to hang out with!

Monday, December 3, 2018

In the Holiday spirit

We celebrated Thanksgiving with family and the kids had much to be grateful for again this year.  Emmy couldn't have expressed it better.  The kids have been busy acolyting and ringing the bell at church.   They also participated in the annual hanging of the greens ceremony.  We also made gingerbread houses and decorated Christmas cookies this year.  The kids took a trip to choose an ornament.  Bobby chose one with a soccer theme and Emmy chose hockey.  Bobby also snuck in a special birthday card he found for his sister.  He is pretty thoughtful!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Too cold, too fast!

The weather turned cold fast here this year.  The kids made the most of it by playing outside all afternoon on Saturday while their dad was away hunting.  We made Blobby Eckert and decorated with our Halloween candy to make his face.  Emmy also completely buried her brother in the snow.  I checked in on this and she (and him) convinced me that he wanted to be buried and wasn't too cold. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Emmy is one busy, lucky girl!

 Emmy and I experienced the Dbox seating as we watched the nutcracker movie last weekend together.  It was a first for both of us and I think it was worth the price I paid for such a fun memory with my girl.

Sunday was full of great memories as well.  Emmy was an acolyte and later had another hockey practice.  Her CDCC choir sang at a dinner that her grandmas both attended and took her too.  These three had a fabulous time together.  Emmy is very blessed to have so many female role models that love her and enjoy spending time with her.  It is a great life!

Friday, November 2, 2018

October fun!

 We had a great night out with friends last weekend

 Emmy finished off her basketball season with a tournament.  She enjoyed her season of playing with her friends.
 Halloween brought good trick-or-treating weather and the PT faculty were a THERA-band.  Bobby wanted to join the Lundeens for some houses since they were Star Wars themed just like he was.

 Grandma Pearl turned 99 and so we visited St. Gabriels to say hello.  The kids were so kind and patient as they spoke with the elderly and were extra patient in waiting to get candy.  Emmy sang to Grandma Pearl and they both gave out birthday hugs

Aunt Tony provided big gifts again - her house is the kids' favorite stop!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Fall break, fun break!

 Family pictures turned out well this year.  Bobby still is a challenge at times with his smile but Emmy is a natural model!

 Emmy and Bobby had 80s day and parents breakfast.  We enjoyed visiting with them and their friends.  Emmy's outfit was a hit!

 School pictures came back and once again it was proven that these kids are pretty darn cute!

 Fall break fell on the same two days for the kids schedule and for my schedule.  This meant extra time together.  Robb gave us a ride to Starbucks.  We enjoyed a treat and then headed to the pet store.  Then we hiked two miles home and enjoyed some cooler fall weather and time together.  The kids are so much fun to be with and this was a fun time.

 Bobby has been asking me for a date night to Shogun for a King Crab Crunch roll.  We finally got our night out.  He devoured the sushi roll.  There was a football game on in the background and I had to remind my date to focus on our conversation and not the game.  Eventually I got a good conversation out of him and I really enjoyed what I learned about my little boy who is growing up too fast.  He was a very sweet date in that he gave me lots of love, hugs and kisses.

The little monsters hike at Fort Lincoln was this past weekend.  What beautiful weather for an outdoor hike together.  We walked a couple miles, went through the haunted house and played the games.  The kids said many times that they weren't scared at all by the haunted house but I felt a little nervous about it.