Thursday, March 28, 2019

Spring has to be coming!

 My former student's family is into sled-dog racing and they offered sled-dog rides a few weeks ago.  The kids met all the dogs and we had a fast and fun 2 mile ride.  These dogs and people are world champion racers and we enjoyed hearing their racing stories. 

 Robb and Emmy played in the parent/daughter hockey match-up.  I think Robb Eckert took advantage of the size differential and had some penalties coming his way for roughing his daughter.  They had a great time out there!
 The kids went to the U Mary basketball camp on a day they had off from school.  I was working and so I headed out to campus at noon to take the kids to lunch.  Bobby ate a full plate of stir fry, a huge cheeseburger and then had an apple and an ice cream cone.  Emmy had 3 desserts!  They make the most of the meal plan I've paid for.  Later that night I remarked to Bobby how crazy it is that he can fit that much food into his belly in one sitting.  He said to me, "Don't judge me mom,"  which made me laugh so hard.  That kid is funny!

 Bobby has been working out downstairs using my equipment and it has paid off in his basketball games.  He is the high scorer and is tough on defense.  He plays and hustles so hard!  I'm proud of his hard working attitude.  His coach always gives Bobby the toughest guy to play on defense.  He makes a lot of we just have to work on passing.

 Bucks season has started and Bobby enjoys bringing a friend!
 Bobby writes us the sweetest notes when we are in church.  This was his latest......he usually passes them over on his way out for Sunday school.  He has been working really hard at AWANA as well to learn Bible stories and verses.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Terry Peak Ski Adventure with the Lundeen family!

 We traveled to SD for an Eckert and Lundeen ski adventure.  The kids had such a great time together and the adults enjoyed our time together as well!

We played a lot of games at night.  Here Emmy is completing a "dare" by having Chloe pour water into her mouth.

 The kids were really great skiers this year.  They skied black diamonds and were too fast on the slopes to keep up with.  There were some epic wipe outs, but there was always an adults as the caboose down the hill to gather skis and get every kid upright again!

 Instructor Rick taught the kids well and they learned to do some good turns!  That doesn't mean they used turns to slow down as they all preferred to ski straight down the hill at top speed.

It was a really fun family Spring Break vacation and we plan to do it annually!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Our boy turns 8!

 Emmy and Bobby dressed up last week as storybook characters for school.  Emmy came up with the idea for "Fancy Nancy" and Bobby was a StarWars character.  It was reading month and the PTO at Centennial challenged the students to build a reading fort at home.  Our kids not only built a HUGE fort but then read on top of it.  BTW....this is STILL a HUGE mess in my basement.

 Emmy's team had their last hockey tournament this past weekend.  They finished with a shoot out win.  Emmy got the MVP hustle award one of the games!  She worked so hard the entire tournament.

 Bobby made me a special note.  He told me the teacher said they could color/draw or play and even though his friends were begging him to play he chose to make this for me.  I had twice surprised him by showing up in the middle of his swimming lesson.  The 2nd graders got to go to the Y 3 times to swim as part of a BPS program.  Bobby was in the advanced group learning to backstroke.  He was so happy to see me there that he ran up and kissed me on the cheek and said out loud, "I love you mom!"  I hope I get a few more years where he is unashamed to show public affection to his mom.

 Our boy became an 8 year old this past Sunday!  He spent the morning making circuits like a smart pants.  His party was an indoor soccer party.  The kids had a great time and there were no major injuries.

 Vanilla on vanilla cupcakes for this boy!

 His girlfriend made them both special shirts!  Bobby made sure to pick Keira on his soccer team each time they played.  They did request to take this picture in the they do like their love to remain private.

Robb did a great job keeping up with these boys and denying shots on goal to all!