Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas is coming!

 I had planned on a cute Christmas card with a picture of Team Eckert in our matching Xmas jammies (Bernie included) but Emmy got stitches, the picture got delayed.....and I got TOO BUSY.  I decided to collect our memories in a collage and send it off to get to our friends and family in time for Xmas.

Bobby had a solo, duet, and was a very enthusiastic dancer at his Xmas program.  His teacher told him that he really needs to go into singing, dancing, theater.  He was so much fun to watch up there.  I love his personality!

Emmy and I wrapped up a fun volleyball season.  She is so positive out there on the court and I really enjoyed coaching her this year.

Emmy also has been working her little butt off in hockey this year.  She has made some great improvements and we are really proud of her.

We are packing for our next adventure - a family ski trip to Breckenridge.  I just finished my last two courses for the EdD.  I have to defend my dissertation and take comp exams but I feel that that is really no big deal considering all the credits of coursework I finished in the past years.  I'm proud of that work but no doubt could never have done it without my family.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Enlisting help from family

We had to enlist help from Grandma Launa to make our weekend activities work.  Bobby had a basketball tournament.  They won two out of three games.  He worked hard and played harder and had a great game!  He scored a lot and was such a hustler on defense.  I love watching him out there and he has earned the nickname "Dash" from his coach.  Sounds very similar to my nickname in HS...."Speedy"  Our sweet Emmy had to acolyte without her partner Bobby, but she looked beautiful and represented us well.  Grandma took these pictures.  She is growing her bangs out and also getting some stitches out today.  A freak accident with Bernie's kennel causes a gash to her right eyebrow and I ended up with an early trip to the ER last week.  It was a stressful time for everyone but she is healing very well.  We also celebrated TWO Thanksgivings with two dinners last week.  The Moldenhauers had us over for a great meal and then we headed over to the Eckert house for another yummy dinner.  We are so blessed to have family and to have our health.  I am so very grateful.