Thursday, May 19, 2022

End of April and May brought lots of fun times for us

Emmy finished up her last week of 7th grade in May.  She found a great group of friends in these last few months and has been so happy.  Teachers have written me emails sharing that they find her to be sweet, kind, artistic and very smart.  She scored very well in her math testing and has really found her strength and place at St. Mary's.  I'm very proud of her resilience!

Grandma represented at Meaningful Math Mentors day at Bobby's school.  Not sure who was mentoring whom in math but he was so glad to have this special time with her.

Emmy tried out for a solo in choir and was placed in a trio during the final choir concert.  She is very outgoing and confident with her singing.  She has a beautiful voice and has grown so much in her talent this year.

We had a great time at the Saints Ball this year.  My parents got to come along and we enjoyed the night all dressed up.
I had a very special Mother's Day with the kids making me drawings, cards.  Bobby made me a very tasty breakfast. I loved their extra efforts and appreciated the kind words.  I LOVE being a mom.

Baseball season has begun!  We've had several cold, windy baseball games but are hoping for some warmer baseball weather soon.  Bobby has been deemed the best shortstop and 2nd baseman on the team and he is batting very well.  We all enjoy watching his games.  My parents sponsored the team uniforms and come to most every game and tournament.

Emmy had her first every middle school dance at St. Mary's at the start of May.  She looked gorgeous and she and her friends got ready at our house with pizza for dinner prior to the dance.
I survived my first year in this job of Chair.  I learned a lot, I was stressed a lot, I was happy and at times frustrated.....all part of growing into my new role.
Bobby went to his good friend Kiera's birthday. They've been friends since age 3.  We heard that when another boy he was playing with was injured, he came up to that boy's mother to inquire on the the boy after the injury and to make sure he was feeling ok.  My sweet, thoughtful proud that he is such a good friend.

Bobby's 5th grade track meet

Bobby woke up on the morning of his 5th grade all-city track meet with some terrible allergy related symptoms of a sore throat, cough, plugged up sinuses.  We convinced him to give his running events a try.  He tried the high jump and he placed 14th in the 400 dash.  His 800 relay team placed 4th with him running anchor.  It was fun to hear his entire group of 5th graders cheering "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby" when he ran.  He had a great day and we were proud of him for giving it his best even when not feeling great.

Emmy's successful track season

 Emmy had a successful track season.  She placed often in the 200 hurdles, 200 dash, and relays.  She tried out pole vault and made some great improvements.  She was asked several times to run on relays with the 8th graders.  She learned a lot and made great memories.