Tuesday, December 19, 2023

December 2023

Bobby got to play in the St. Mary's booster tournament with his friends on The Squad. They won all their games and got first place. Jumping into playing on this team was a bit of a challenge for Bobby since The Squad has played together for years and Bobby joined for one tournament. There isn't a travel season this year as they start basketball very soon in 7th grade. Bobby had to figure out the plays but he did really great and had so much fun.
Grandma and Grandpa's sponsorship of choir led to front row seats at Emmy's latest choir concert. We could hear her voice clearly. She also has been singing for all the VIPS as part of the Jazz choir. She has to balance this with hockey. One night the Jazz choir was going to perform for some big donors and Emmy had practice all the way up until the performance. Her jazz teacher called us to make sure Emmy could come since she has a lot of solos and told us the others would do all the set up if Emmy just agreed to show up at performance time after her hockey was finished. We made this work and Emmy was a star. My boss sent me a picture and video of Emmy that night and we were very proud.

I've really got the best people to work with at U Mary. Here we are at our annual Christmas gathering.

Bobby got some hair advice from a college aged older brother while he traveled with us for Emmy's hockey games in Fargo. The college mentor gave his advice on products to use and the result was Bobby's new hairstyle that he is very proud of.
We got our CHS hockey fan gear and now we are true fans. I dug out my old box of CHS clothes from when I was a student athlete. It was fun to see my old CHS stuff but I didn't realize that in the 90s I only wore L and XL shirts. Funny to see that I preferred super big sweatshirts and pants. I did find some things that were in good enough condition to wear again. Bobby got a kick out of my old photos and clothes.
Emmy goes on the bus and even stays at a separate hotel from us now on hockey trips. She is a big girl now!

I talked Bobby into doing a big Christmas puzzle with me last weekend. He talked me into making Dominican butter cookies for his class as they were studying this country. He is a good helper so it was a fun project!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Christmas Tree lighting at the capital - Emmy sings a solo

 Emmy sang with the Jazz Choir at the Governor's Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Capital. She had two solos within a song and she was fabulous. A few people turned around to see who was singing once she began her solo and I saw one lady nod her head as if to indicate she was happy to hear Emmy's voice. They took pictures with the Governor and represented well.

Game Day USA baseball

We took a Thanksgiving trip to Florida so Bobby and the Schoch boys could participate in Gameday USA's baseball camp and tournament. They were the only players from ND but they represented so well. All three boys made the all-tournament team. Bobby and Boston's coach said, "Who would've thought my best two players would be from ND." Many parents came up to Robb and I and told us that they were impressed by how Bobby could hit the ball and that his fielding was effortless. He also pitched really well (no runs scored or hit). He had a double play that was exciting to see. Most importantly he was a great teammate and made many new friends. His coach said to him...."You are a BALL PLAYER!!" The boys made so many fun memories and gained confidence playing the sport they love.

Bobby's coach played in the MLB as a pitcher for 13 years! He was a really great guy and he loved his two ND baseball players.

Bobby's teammates nominated him to coach 1st base. He enjoyed his new role on the team.
Bobby pitching
Gameday USA instagram post
On the first day of the tournament, the kids rotated to all spots. Then, on day two when they played for placements in the tourney, the coach got to put the boys where he thought they should be in order to have a competitive team. Bobby started at shortstop and Boston at catcher. Bobby was lead off batter and Boston #2. Bobby had 4 hits (one was a double), 2 walks, and one strike out for the tourney.

Boston warming up Bobby for the field.

 All tournament selection awards

Florida trip - Thanksgiving 2023

We took a quick trip to the beach to watch the sunset. The kids had a great time and it was beautiful. Fort Myers is rebuilding after the hurricane.....still a lot of work to do but good to see improvements.

We enjoyed many fun dinners together!

We had an amazing dinner on Thanksgiving at the Clubhouse!!

The girls all went shopping on Black Friday. The outlet mall was NUTS!! We drove around for 20 minutes to find parking and completely got luck in being in the right place as someone pulled out while 4 cars vied for the spot. The lines outside the store just to get into the store were wild but we made the most of it and had a great time. We all bought a few things and also stopped in to visit the Koi and turtle pond.

Emmy got her Boba tea and tried to mimic the character on the top of the cup.