Saturday, January 6, 2024

Florida baseball trip

Bobby and I went to Dave and Busters while in Florida. He was determined to once again beat the record on the baseball pitch game. Your score depends on accuracy and speed. Bobby crushed the record and got thousands of tickets with that one play. 

We challenged each other to ax throwing and I made a big comeback with 3 bullseyes in the final round. He did beat me twice in connect 4 we will call it even.

NYE was a great date night for us. Grandpa and Grandma were gone this night with friends so Bobby and I booked dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant. He was such a good date. We watched a NYE show on TV and even stayed up late for the countdown.

Bobby made sure to try to eat the last of his favorite cheese on the way to the airport! 

Bobby, grandma and grandpa, and I all got up super early to head to Naples for his Juan Romero baseball camp. The first day it rained almost the entire time. At the end of the camp day there was trivia. Bobby had told me that he was certain he'd be a big winner at trivia because he knows all the things baseball. On the first day he didn't get called on to give an answer first...or second. After a few kids got the answer incorrect, Bobby got his turn to answer. Of course, he knew who the MLB and MVPs were for both leagues this past season so he got a Juan Romero baseball camp cap as the big trivia winner on the first day.

Day 2 dried out a bit and the kids did lots of drills. Bobby was one of the best couple players there and he had a great audience in his grandpa Kelly.
Bobby and a few other players that were advanced compared to others got to demonstrate the drills each day. At the end of each day, they played an hour long game. The boys got to organize line ups and who played each position. Bobby was a natural leader and told everyone where to hit in the line up and what bases to play. Bobby threw the ball so hard at short stop that the first baseman couldn't track it to catch it. He also had an in the park home run and several other great hits. I heard the opposing team yell "Good hitter, good hitter here!!" when Bobby got up to bat. It was cool to see him excel at a sport he has put so much time into.
After day 2 Bobby told us he wanted pasta for lunch so we obliged! He at this whole meal plus lots of bread.

 On the last day, they drew names for a some prizes. They gave away a few $50 gift cards for Naples restaurants. Bobby won a gift card for the best seafood place in Naples. He and I were riding solo that day so he treated his mom to the best seafood lunch we've ever had. He was very quick to tell everyone who worked there that lunch was "on him today." Bobby and I loved spending time together and

airport drama!

We spent 2 days in the Bismarck airport trying to get to Florida. Emmy and Robb were staying back in Bismarck so she could play hockey. Bobby and I were headed to Florida for baseball camp. We started our airport time at 3:30 am......multiple delays and rebookings left us there all day. At around 5:30 pm we boarded a plane and the plane was undergoing de-icing when the flight crew timed out and we were told to get off the plane and try again the next day. Our rebooked flight was for 6 am the next morning....that flight was delayed multiple times for de-icing reasons and we missed another connection in Florida. We finally got on a (delayed of course) rebooked flight to Florida later that day and got to Florida later that evening. Bobby immediately got into the pool and we tried to restart our vacay!


Christmas Eve church and a 2023 goal met

Bobby wrapped himself up tight like a burrito....and found it hard ot get out!
We went to a candlelight church service together.
I ran a new goal for annual mileage this past year! I do love my treadmill.

December 23 Christmas celebration


We celebrated Christmas together with gifts, dinner, and a limo ride. We enjoyed time together for an evening. The boys got guns to have down in Florida. We got grandma a book on hockey and a warmer to keep her hands warm in the cold rink. Grandpa got a fancy seat with a massage and heater to use at Bobby's baseball games.