Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bobby is growing fast and so am I!

Mommy took Bobby to the Well Baby Clinic time today so they could take Bobby's measurements. He is now 10 lbs 11 oz and 21 1/2 inches long! He is averaging a lb a week. I am growing fast and getting smarter every day too. Today I counted to 10 in Spanish. Mom and dad were surprised and are not sure where I learned that trick. I also told dad that the juice that my blackberries were in was wine. Since mom and dad don't drink red wine they again are not sure who I am hanging with that would teach me that. Every night I make sure to tell mommy that I love her and that she and daddy are my best friend. I also am very excited to see Bobby when I get home each day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Birthday is almost here!

Mom has been getting me excited about my Minnie Mouse themed birthday party. I am going to be 2! Mom is even making me Mickey and Minnie cupcakes to take to my daycare friends. I am really excited and have been talking about it for weeks now. My little brother has been growing fast. Mom says he eats constantly which is why he has nice chubby cheeks like I did when I was a little baby. Mom put my hair in a pony tail this morning and I am wearing one of the NEW shirts that Grandma and Grandpa M got me as part of the wardrobe they bought me for my birthday. Then after mom made me chocolate chip waffles for breakfast, dad and I went off to daycare and him off to work for the day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dad's future softball player

Yesterday on the way home from grandma and grandpa's house I saw that dad had this awesome helmet in his back seat! I insisted on wearing it home. Mom and dad are glad I like helmets since they will insist I wear one when I participate in all recreational activities. They want to protect me because they say I am SO smart!

Just hanging out and watching some Bubblie Guppies

I found a new show to love - Bubble Guppies! I sing to all the songs and dance around but sometimes I just sit quietly and watch my show. Here is a picture of me watching my show. I do still enjoy Dora the Explorer and Mickey Mouse clubhouse (mom and I sing the theme songs to these shows before bedtime when she rocks me).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Proud big sister

I really love my little brother. Today I asked mommy if I could hold him. I caressed his little head and kissed him on the forehead. Then I saw some stray hairs that were sticking up and so I licked my hand and smoothed them down for him. We were taking pictures and I knew he wanted to look his best!

Chilling out on the weekend

We are all home together on the weekend. Aunt Stacy and mom's friends Heather and Mary cooked meals for us and so mom didn't have to do any cooking. I have been telling mom and dad that now I want to be naked like the baby is and so I try real hard to convince them not to have me wear clothes. Mom, Dad, Bobby and I watched cartoons in mom and dad's bed on Sunday morning. Mom said this was her favorite part of the weekend, her whole family together!


I love when daddy plays AIRPLANE with me. This game consists of me getting tossed up high in the air until daddy gets worn out and we have to quit. I count from 1-10 and then daddy says blast off and we fly up high! I laugh and laugh and it is really a fun game for me.

More sleeping Bobby

Bobby has his days and nights mixed up mommy says. He sleeps all day and is up all night. I sleep soundly throughout the night so I am really not up for any of Bobby's late night escapades
with mom and dad. He and mommy had more visitors in his first week and here are pictures of that.

Bobby is so photogenic!

Here are some photos of Bobby just hanging out in his first week of life. I am so proud of my baby brother. I give him lots of hugs, kisses and gentle pats. I have been brining mommy his blankets to cover him up and bringing him lots of stuffed animals and toys to play with.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

More visitors

Later on that day Mason, Chad, Stacy came to visit my family. I wasn't there because I had to go keep my grandparents company.

Mommy had a treat for me too

When I came to see my brother, mommy had special treats for me too! A Dora story book and suckers! I ate 4 suckers while visiting my brother! Mommy said it was a special occasion so I could have all the suckers. Bobby has the same chin as dad and I do. The Eckert family chin. He looks just like dad did as a baby and some say just like I did when I was his young age.

Emmy's blog is now Emmy and Bobby's blog

I am going to share my blog with baby Bobby now. Here are some pictures of the visitors he had in the hospital the day he was born. Lots of people love Bobby and I, we are lucky!

He's here! My little brother is here!

Here are some photos of 3/3/11 - the day of Bobby's birthday! He was born at 11:39 a.m. and weighed in at 6 lbs 14.5 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. He is just perfect! I wasn't there in the delivery room, I was with my grandpa and grandma Eckert having a great time. I did talk a lot about my little brother and told my grandparents that "I love my little brother" many times.

March 2nd - my last night with just mom, dad and me

Here are the two last photos of the last night spent with just the 3 of us before we welcomed Bobby into our family. As you can tell from the pictures I am more interested in the Dora the Explorer show that's on TV than having my photo taken by dad. I do like to cuddle with mom on the couch while I watch my shows and mom says she will always have time for cuddles even with my brother around.