Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today we carved and created pumpkins.  Emmy and Bobby both enjoyed it and dad proved himself to be a master carver.  Emmy was a little hesitant to pull out the pumpkin insides but soon got into it and enjoyed it.  Bobby got right in there with Robb and was pretty serious about making sure we got our work done.  The kids then proudly displayed their pumpkins on our front step.
 I took the kids for a run today.  Emmy and I went together first for a few miles and then I dropped her off and pushed Bobby in the jog stroller for a couple more miles.  Bobby likes the ride but Emmy likes the snacks.  It is definitely a work out to push them in the stroller.
I went to Emmy's room to wake her up from nap time only to find her playing in her closet and wearing her swimsuit.  I guess that means she didn't take a nap...........

Our search for the perfect pumpkin.  Emmy and Robb searched for the best pumpkin and Emmy finally found her pick.  Bobby and I searched too but we were never sure where we were going or what we were trying to find....mostly he just ran around like a crazy man and I followed after him chasing him from one pumpkin pile to the next.  When our time there was finished we bought Emmy and Bobby pumpkins and then headed for home.

The big pumpkin

Every year we have come Emmy loves to go inside this great big pumpkin and now she has a new buddy to join her.  The kids loved peeking out at us and running inside where we couldn't see them.  Bobby was half the size of the kids running around on the play equipment but he didn't seem to notice.  I did notice since he was often being pushed around by big kids....he holds his own though and he part of what he enjoys is getting pushed around, falling down and then getting right back up again.

Snack time

I let Emmy choose her snack and I could have predicted accurately she would choose a frosted cookie (that would be my choice too) but Bobby went for the hot dog.

Down the slide and into the hay bales

I got some exercise climbing up the hay bales and then helping the kids go down the slide.  Emmy wanted me to go with her at first...she is cautious.  Bobby jumped right on the slide with no worries and refused help from me.  It is so funny to see their personalities.  Bobby is fearless but Emmy watches and makes sure it looks safe before she goes for it. 

Our annual trip to the pumpkin patch

The Eckerts went on our annual Pumpkin Patch trip.  The kids love to run around and Robb and I just try to stay sane as we struggle to keep our eyes on both kids and prevent them from breaking any bones.  Here is a rare photo where we are all looking at the camera....miracles happen!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

 I ran the Bismarck half marathon this past weekend.  In the final 200 yards I saw my cute family holding up a sign they made for me that said "My mom runs like a Kenyan!"  Emmy was cheering and running along beside me. 
 I ran my best time yet at 1 hour 35 minutes but my favorite part of the race was the end when I got to see my little fans.  Emmy came through the snack line at the finish with me and claimed and wore my finishers medal and got some snacks for herself and Bobby.
 Bobby doesn't really enjoy taking pictures but he loved people watching at the race and the whole race atmosphere.

After we finished up at the race we went to the Downtown street fair with the whole family and got the kids some special gifts they chose.  It was a fun day and I was so appreciative of my wonderful family.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bobby eats two dinners

Our Bobby is a good eater!  Most nights Emmy doesn't finish her dinner so Bobby eats his dinner and Emmy's dinner too.  Last night when he finished his meal I picked him up off the chair and told him to go play as I started cleaning up......only to turn around a few minutes later and see him eating Emmy's dinner (as shown in the pictures).  He thought this was pretty funny and later once he finished eating the rest of her dinner he protested when I wouldn't let him finish that bowl of raspberries left on the table.  I was afraid his tummy might explode.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bob plays hard, eats more!

 Sometimes on the weekends Bobby plays so hard he wears himself out.  Here is a photo of him Robb took when he fell asleep having a snack on the couch.  Robb told me he fell over to his side in slow motion and was sleeping soundly but every once in a while the hand that was reaching into the bowl of snacks stir around and try to snag some crackers.
Bobby is a god eater.  He loves using utensils and is constantly asking for "MORE" he knows how to say most foods he enjoys eating and says, "Dee, Dee" for "Thank you" with the same intonation that most people say thank you when they speak.  Food is very important to him!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Riding the rides

Bobby and Emmy then enjoyed the tea cups and carousel with Robb and Emmy and I rode the train (I was in the train car behind her.....getting close to the weight restriction requirement!)

Jumping like crazy!

The kids burned off some energy jumping around and laughing hard

Amusement park super slide

We went to the Amusement park and all went down the big slide.  Later Bobby and Robb took another trip down.....Bobby had a big smile on his face the entire ride!

Bobby gets a big bite

We had my parents over for my mom's birthday and parents' anniversary.  My mom brought over a large bucket of cucumbers and zuchinni for us to enjoy.  Bobby reached in and grabbed a large zuchinni and took a really big bit of it (raw and dirty).  He didn't seem very pleased with how that tasted and so he next took a bite out of a dirty cucumber he found in the bucket.  I then washed and sliced it for him which he preferred.

Sleeping and Bathing Beauty

I always check on Emmy before I head to bed and the other night I just had to get a picture of her sleeping with her head off the bed and her booty up in the air.  Emmy loves bubble baths in our big tub and here she is enjoying her bath time.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Neighbors and friends

The weather has been great and over the Labor day weekend the kids spent a lot of time outside.  Here they took a break in the Moldenhauer drive way and had some beverages.
 Bobby really enjoyed splashing around with Carly.  Emmy loved playing in the mud.  Later on we went back to Daren's house and they grilled hot dogs, burgers and chicken for us.  We had such a great afternoon!

Fun at the river with Daren, Carly and the Bear family

 We were invited to spend some time on the river with our friends.  Daren LaBere has a beautiful home on the river and a Pontoon.  Emmy's favorite song to sing lately is titled "Pontoon!"  Bobby loves to drive the boat.  He is very serious about it and lucky for him Daren did not mind letting him take over as captain.  We landed on a sandbar and the kids ran around having a great time.