Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Emmy's invites

Emmy told me that the boy she likes, Gentry, did not want to come to her party.  She wanted to give him an invite but he didn't want to go to the princess part she described to him.  She didn't seem too upset as she had already promised another girl that she could come instead of Gentry.  She decided that Gentry would eventually realize what a fun party he missed out on.  She told me she was sneaky about handing them out so she wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings....she put the invites under her shirt until she could hand them out to people.

Bobby's big dreams

Bobby told me tonight that he wants to be a recycling man when he grows up and that he will pick up my recycling at my house first.  He still plans to live with this family but will be going to Florida in the winters. I can come too but there are two rules I must follow. First rule is to go swimming with him and the second rule is to buy him a drink.  I think he has a pretty good plan for growing up I just hope that as his plans change he still wants his mommy to be in them

Easter is coming

Bobby, Emmy and I decorate Easter cookies this past weekend.  We also got invited to the  Jahner house for an Easter egg hunt and for dinner.  It was very fun and the kids made some new little friends there.  The grandparents were back for a few days and they took ALL the grandkids out to the ranch.  Emmy and Bobby love it out there.  I am getting very excited for the summer when I can spend some extra time with the kiddos.  Emmy is excited for her birthday coming up and Bobby is almost equally excited for her party.  Emmy helped write out her invites and handed them out the her friends.  She was very careful to be sneaky when handing them out since we couldn't invite her entire class.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Ranch trip

Bobby, Emmy and Robb headed out to the ranch this past Saturday. I taught an all day course and so I couldn't come due to work but they did send me these great pictures of them feeding Brownie and Fudge and I heard many stories of their adventures out at the ranch with their super dad!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Emmy girl

We had Bobby pose with his swimming lesson certificate since he graduated to a new class this week.  Emmy wanted to pose with sight words that she had written up since she was very proud of them.  She has been writing up a storm.....she loves to create words and to read.  We also got her hockey pictures back with a note from one of her coaches.  The note said that he enjoyed working with Emmy and that she has improved so much and turned into such a great player.  She works hard and always has a smile on her face. 

Robb and I took a little vacay to AZ this past week for a few days. I ran the Phoenix half in 1 hour 34 minutes and then we did a little hiking, shopping, relaxing and eating!

Bobby turned 4 this week!  He really is out of the toddler stage and into the big boy stage!  He got to invite his cousins and friends over to the Party Pit for his party.  He had a great time eating pizza, cupcakes and playing very hard.  My boy also passed swimming lessons and is now a Pike!  We are so proud of him.  When he would open up his gifts he would yell over to Emmy...."Emmy look we can share this toy!"  He is sweet, kind, funny, smart and he is all mine......I could not love that boy more.