Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry 1st Christmas this year

Emmy and I are mermaids for Christmas thanks to Grandma Launa!
My face looked like Bobby's did when he opened this gift from his grandparents Moldenhauer.....that present may serve to be trouble!

 Story time with Santa at zoo.  Bobby reminded Santa that he had written a letter to him already detailing what he had asked for and that he was officially on the nice list.

Limo ride to look at Christmas lights.  It was REALLY cold this year but we sure had fun together.  We are grateful that Grandpa Kelly and Grandma Launa can make this experience happen again this year.  The kids had a great time.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Program

Emmy and Bobby had a Christmas program last Sunday and all their cousins and grandparents came!  Bobby was a shepherd and Emmy was honored to play Mary.  We were so proud to see the kids up there enjoying their retelling of the Christmas story of Jesus.

Snow days and hockey accomplishments

We've had three official snow days where school was cancelled in the past two weeks.  Blizzards have become the norm here.  The kids have loved the time off to play in the snow but for adults this meant a lot of headaches planning for child care, work make up, etc.
The kids finally got to find out that they are going on a Disney Cruise. They watched the videos and were so excited to see what is in store for them soon.
We had to celebrate with TCBY (Bobby's choice) last weekend because it was a special hockey game.  BOBBY SCORED HIS FIRST EVER GOAL!  Emmy scored THREE goals.  It was an exciting game.

Bobby got to celebrate his friend Ethan Jahner's birthday party with some fun games.