Monday, November 12, 2018

Too cold, too fast!

The weather turned cold fast here this year.  The kids made the most of it by playing outside all afternoon on Saturday while their dad was away hunting.  We made Blobby Eckert and decorated with our Halloween candy to make his face.  Emmy also completely buried her brother in the snow.  I checked in on this and she (and him) convinced me that he wanted to be buried and wasn't too cold. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Emmy is one busy, lucky girl!

 Emmy and I experienced the Dbox seating as we watched the nutcracker movie last weekend together.  It was a first for both of us and I think it was worth the price I paid for such a fun memory with my girl.

Sunday was full of great memories as well.  Emmy was an acolyte and later had another hockey practice.  Her CDCC choir sang at a dinner that her grandmas both attended and took her too.  These three had a fabulous time together.  Emmy is very blessed to have so many female role models that love her and enjoy spending time with her.  It is a great life!

Friday, November 2, 2018

October fun!

 We had a great night out with friends last weekend

 Emmy finished off her basketball season with a tournament.  She enjoyed her season of playing with her friends.
 Halloween brought good trick-or-treating weather and the PT faculty were a THERA-band.  Bobby wanted to join the Lundeens for some houses since they were Star Wars themed just like he was.

 Grandma Pearl turned 99 and so we visited St. Gabriels to say hello.  The kids were so kind and patient as they spoke with the elderly and were extra patient in waiting to get candy.  Emmy sang to Grandma Pearl and they both gave out birthday hugs

Aunt Tony provided big gifts again - her house is the kids' favorite stop!