Thursday, December 17, 2020

Bobby and I ran 3 miles the other day together.  He is such a hard worker and loves accomplishing his goals!  We even wore matching shirts

The kids made their gingerbread creations again this year.  Bobby made a football stadium and Emmy made a llama farmhouse.

 Emmy and I got outside to enjoy the weather by getting dropped off at Caribou, buying drinks and then walking home together to talk and exercise.  It is so fun to have one on one time with the kids!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A unique Thanksgiving

Bobby shot his deer this year. A small buck that he will enjoy many meals off of this year.  He loves hunting with his dad.
We isolated from friends and family this year for Thanksgiving but still had a great time.  We hung up our ornaments, tree, decorations.
We had a Thanksgiving Brinner full of special requests.  Bobby wanted spiral mac and cheese and Emmy asked for sprinkle vanilla waffles.  Pumpkin muffins and hot cocoa were also part of our special feast.  We weren't about to let COVID ruin our fun!
The weather over Thanksgiving break was nice and so we enjoyed the outdoor weather and took Bernie for a few walks outside.

Emmy had a sleepover so the rest of Team Eckert went to Fort Lincoln to hike and visit some historical sites.  Bobby enjoys this and I enjoy having time with the kids.
Our friends, the Jahners, were in isolation since they came down with COVID.  It was Ethan's bday and so Bobby made him a sign and we drove by and threw out presents, candy to celebrate.
Emmy worked hard on her science project (so did her dad).  She made an atom!