Thursday, January 7, 2021

Christmas time has come and gone!

Grandpa Bob came back to town and his little buddy Bobby was excited to spend time with Grandpa.
My coworker brought puppies to work one day....Emmy didn't want to every leave.

We opened presents a bit early this year since we were headed to Florida.  Bobby got a thoughtful gift (key chain) from his sister.  She wrapped it and spent her own money.

Auntie Amber makes the best cellophane ball of goodies and the kids get pretty crazy tearing it apart every year.  This year Gabe was the gift card winner!

Our flight to Florida for Xmas got delayed (until the evening of the 26th).  We were pretty sad initially, then decided to make the best of it.  Robb got the worse end of this game we played where we attempted to get the rings around his antlers.  Later that night we made hot chocolate and went to see Xmas lights in town while wearing our pjs.  It was fun!  

We arrived in Florida later than expected but hit the ground running. Emmy spent all her Xmas money (and a lot of mine) on a new wardrobe (including this suit).  We ate lots of great meals and enjoyed fabulous weather.

We went to the Botanical Gardens in Naples.  The lights were beautiful and made for some exellent photo ops.

Bobby and Robb went with Captain Joe on another fishing expedition.  It was a great time for them and Captain Joe is always impressed with Bobby's fishing skills.

We had many fun pool days, morning, evenings. and the kids played in the surf at the beach on New Year's Day.
My first run of 2021 was on the Beach!

Before we left for Florida, Heather and I did a Santa 4 mile run to see lights.  Running in Santa suits is actually quite difficult!
Grandpa Bob got a picture with his grandkids on Christmas Even with everyone in their matching pjs.  Bobby had Christmas spirit!

We were so blessed to make many Holiday memories with our Grandma Launa and Grandpa Kelly.  We also had a great time Mini Golfing. So much to do in the warm Florida weather.

January 2021 starts a new beginning as Emmy began school at St. Mary's.  She had all the feelings on her first day: nervous, excited, anxious.  So far she is doing great there and we are finding a new community of awesome people.