Monday, June 14, 2010

Today was my first day of mom and me swimming lessons! I loved it. I jumped off the edge to mom, blew bubbles, kicked on my back and front, floated, sand songs, played games and splashed a lot. Mom took some pictures of me in my swim cover up getting ready to go, then some of me right before we went into the water. You can see I am pretty excited to get in that water. Then I showed mom my muscles which is one of my favorite tricks. I grunt, grit my teeth, tense my arm muscles, make fists as hard as I can to show off my muscles. At the end of swimming lessons today, mom bundled me up in towels and we went home to eat lunch and take a nap. I have been a very picky eater but I love blueberries, strawberries, yogurt and cheese! The rest of the food mom tried I spit out. I can be pretty stubborn. I usually follow up the spitting of the food by saying "oh no" or "uh oh." Another thing I say after I do something I know mom won't like is "thank you." Mom told me that this is not how thank you works, but I think it's pretty funny. I also love to sing songs lately like "rock a baby" (rock a bye baby), abc song and twinkle twinkle. Mom says I am one smart baby!

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