Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm a princess!

My auntie Lori bought me a princess dress and I got to wear it for my party. I was so happy! Mommy showed me how beautiful I looked in the big mirror and then I danced around and showed off my party dress. I ran into the living room and told daddy, "I am a princess daddy!" and he thought I looked pretty too. Then my cousin Andrew came and we played with the Mickey balloons that mom blew up for us. My auntie Amber made me a Minnie cake and it turned out awesome! It was too pretty to eat really, but it tasted great. She made cupcakes to go with it too. Aunt Stacy let us borrow Mason's 2 yr old candle but I was shy about blowing it out. I wanted mommy to do it instead. She tried to convince me but I told her I was scared. Everyone sang happy birthday to me and it was a little overwhelming having all that attention. All my friends and family came and it ended up being almost 50 people (including kids)!

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