Saturday, June 11, 2011

I love my brother!

This morning I woke mom up early (crack of dawn early). I was yelling for her loudly and when she rushed in to see what was wrong I was crying out, "my pajamas are broooookeeeeen!!!!) Mom said they weren't broken, I had just unsnapped the top button. She fixed it pretty quickly. Then she brought me into her room where her and Bobby were lazing around sleeping still. Mom put on cartoons per my request and I cuddled with my brother. I love him so much. I held his hands and put my arm around him. He enjoyed the cartoons too. We took mom's pillow though and so she didn't have a place to lay down. Dad was gone at softball. He is playing in a Fargo tournament so it's just the three of us. I'm not sure what made mom so tired, Bobby getting up 5 times last night, me waking her up extra early or dad being gone!

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