Monday, April 30, 2012

My first flower from Bobby

Today I took the kids to the park and Bobby picked me a flower and brought it over to me.  It was very sweet.  When I picked the kids up at daycare Emmy said good bye to all of her friends by name.  Later at the park she yelled out, "Oh no, a tarantula on the slide!"  Since another mom was closer she ordered the mom to get rid of it.  The other mom laughed and I explained that she can be a little drama queen.  I bought Emmy a running outfit so she could run like me.  She practiced for a long time in the living room and insisted on wearing it.  She told me that she was going to go running, go to work and then come back home again.  Here is a picture of her in her outfit and of Bobby attempting to give her some hugs.  She wasn't into the hugs at first but then she insisted I take some pictures of she and her brother hugging.

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