Monday, December 3, 2012

Emmy's recital

 Emmy had her big dance recital this past weekend. She wore a new dress to the performance and even posed doing the same pose that she was asked to do when she was taking pictures in her costume last week.  Cousin Mason came to "watch his girlfriend" he said and he also brought Aunt Stacy with him.  Grandpa Bob and Kelly and Grandma Candy and Launa all came too.  Emmy was SO excited that her grandparents all came and even more excited when Grandpa Bob presented her with flowers!  She watched the beginning part of the recital from her Dad's lap, acting out some of the dance while seated.  She sang and clapped VERY enthusiastically for the older girls performing and asked me several times if she could get out in the aisle and do some moves.  She was getting very anxious for her turn.  After intermission I brough her backstage and she performed her dance.  She did really great and attempted to mimic the moves of the teachers guiding them onstage.  She seemed to enjoy dancing but did not have a big smile on her face (she later explained to her dad that she had expected to be able to see all her fans in the audience and when she couldn't she was sad).  The audience looks dark to the dancers onstage under the lights. At the end she did a bow and she told us several times over the past weekend that she loved dancing and performing on stage!

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