Sunday, March 31, 2013


Emmy's party was this past weekend and she had lots of guest: Gavin (a friend from her old school) Lundeen twins, Johnson girls, all her cousins including Greyson and Olivia Groetken, the Bear kids.  It was a full house  for the Cinderella party.  We had balloons, decorations, gifts, was crazy and fun for Emmy.  She told us many times it was a great day.  The only mishap was that Robb had spent the past week trying to track down the Gavin from her old school that she has been missing since we moved to a new preschool.   Robb found the mom's number and invited him.  When he showed up I instantly knew that this was the wrong Gavin (there were two Gavins in her class).  Unfortunately Emmy knew as well and told us MANY times that we had invited the wrong Gavin.  We made sure to tell her to keep her voice down so the wrong Gavin didn't know that he wasn't her first choice in Gavin's.  Emmy told us at the end of the party that the day was perfect except maybe could we invite the right Gavin to her next birthday.  Kind of awkward since we had mentioned to this Gavin's mom that Gavin was Emmy's favorite friend from her old school and that she mentioned him all the time (strange that Gavin hadn't mentioned Emmy ;) )

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