Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Family fun at the ranch

 Emmy is in love ith the puppies.  She chases them, talks to them, pets them, sings to them and just loves them in general!  She made sure to save a spot for them at the campfire that night.
 My little man cuddled with me at sunset on top of the big hill
 Emmy loves flowers a close second to the dogs.  She found a big sunflower and then made grandma make sure all the bugs were off.  I often see her pick flowers and then try to replant them in the dirt.
 Sept 2 marked Grandma's birthday and Anniversary.  We got her a cake and then the kids  helped her blow out the candles and eat her cake!
The kids got their cowboy gear on to go to the Bull-o-rama.  They had a great time watching those crazy bulls and were really excited to see real cowboys.  Bobby was sweating like crazy but would absolutely NOT take off his cowboy hat.

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