Thursday, June 19, 2014

While Emmy was away.....

Emmy was busy having a great time with her grandparents and cousin and so I wanted to make sure Bobby enjoyed his alone time with mommy.  I told him he could do whatever he wanted one afternoon while Emmy was gone and at first he chose "no nap!" I clarified for him him that we would skip napping and that he could pick what we did instead.  He wanted to go to the water park.  He splashed with kids twice his age (he splashed them and they tolerated him), rode with me in the raging river inner tube ride and played with the big water guns.  We stopped for snacks a couple times.  He loved riding waves and pretending to fall off the inner tube.  We had a great time together and I think he felt pretty special.  It is nice to have some one on one time with each of my little honeys.

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