Thursday, July 10, 2014

Urban harvest

Today we went to Urban Harvest downtown.  We made a stop for cake pops at the bakery near by and then found the hula hoops and sidewalk chalk.  This year Emmy even jumped rope and did pretty well.  Bobby kept asking me for hot dogs and initially I resisted since I had dinner cooking at home.  Eventually I relented though since they were only 2$ and we were making some memories while mommy still has extra time off.  Bobby devoured his hot dog!  He shoved the whole thing in his mouth while Emmy daintily ate half.  We all held hands on the walk back to our car.  Later on Bobby tried on his ninja turtle jammies that Robb bought him today.  He LOVES them and insists that I address him as a turtle.  He and Emmy make up stories and run around the living room acting them out.

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