Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pool Day at the Eckerts

We had a great pool day with Missy, Lauren and their children.  The kids ate cookies, had ices and hours of swim time.  They had so much fun together and their mommies did too!

Heritage Center

The kids and I along with Grandma Launa went to the Heritage Center today.  The kids had a great time.  Emmy can read now so she sounds out everything and then tells Bobby all about it.  They run around together holding hands which warms my heart.  Their little minds are so open and interested in everything.  Emmy asked me to take these pictures and she would pose as if she was in the exhibit.  After we saw all the exhibits Grandma Launa bought the adults coffee and the kids dinosaur cookies (they picked the T Rex cookies).  I feel so lucky to have this time with the family this summer.  We are making every moment count!

 We went to the zoo on my birthday with friends.  We had a great time together and even got some free frozen yogurt at the end of the day together (I got mine for free as the birthday girl).  A couple days later it was Robb's birthday and the kids and I picked out a special cake for him and visited the park.    Emmy girl started golf and she tried very hard to hit that ball....she mostly liked chasing after the hit balls since that was a contest that she could win against the other golfers.

Every Wednesday we go to Itty Bitty Soccer and I cheer on my favorite little boy soccer player

Monday, June 22, 2015

A great week for all of us

We had a fantastic week this past week.  We spent most days having fun - swimming of course, going to a movie together and then soccer, T-ball...the list goes on!  I graduated from my Women's Leadership Program and my boss - Mary Dockter and my mom came to watch me graduate (I gave Robb a pass on that one).  This past weekend we all did the walk to support blood cancers.  We wore stickers that said we were in support of Grandpa Bob.  I also ran the 5K and WON!!!!  I got first prize which was a Scheel's 25$ gift card and finished in about 20 minutes (6 min 40 sec miles for 3.1 miles).  It was fun to cross the finish line and break the ribbon.  I finished the race and then caught up with the family who had started the 5K walk.  The kids were so excited to hear that I won, especially Emmy who told me several times she thought I was awesome.  God has blessed us with good health and family time and we make the most of every minute.
Bobby wanted to run it in and beat the people ahead of us.  He and I passed many people holding hands and then Emmy caught up and asked to join us crossing the finish.  I love that they are getting into the spirit of these races we do as a family.  I hope they develop a love for all things active like I have.  Robb came up closely behind us....he wasn't much for the running it in idea!
If the weather is above 70 degrees, the Eckerts are in the pool.  Every once in a while the kids get worn out and I get some extra poolside cuddles!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Weekend in Vegas!

I met up with 7 of my college girlfriends and two other new friends in Vegas this past weekend for a girls trip.  I roomed with my college bestie Sarah and we all had a fabulous time!  I think I will be catching up on sleep for weeks.  We played games and took on a bachelor party in flippy cup.  I won some money gambling and dance the night away as well.  I had such a great time and am blessed to still be in touch with these fun girls.  Meanwhile the kids were well taken care of and had a couple pool days.  Robb invited Emmy's best friend over - Lauren - and they had a great time together. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

How tall are they?

I measured Bobby and Emmy at the science museum yesterday.  They are 41.5 inches (Bobby) and 45.5 inches (Emmy).  The height predictor says Bobby will be 6 feet 1 inch based on his current height and Emmy will be 5 feet 3 inches.  Sorry, Emmy.....you are destined to be short like your mom and will have to rely on your speed, agility and attitude to get ahead in sports :)  It's not so bad - I speak from experience!

Soccer time!

Science Museum and Soccer starts this summer

Yesterday it was very rainy and so we changed our normal (3 days in a row) afternoon schedule at the pool to a day at the Science Museum.  This year was different than last year where the kids were mostly into pushing buttons.  They really (well mostly Emmy) were interested in reading the instructions and figuring out how to work the experiments there.  Bobby played with the building blocks for a long time and Emmy didn't want to miss any of the experiments there.  We had a good time there figuring everything out together.  Later we had to divide up since Soccer has started.  Bobby is in Itty Bitty Soccer at the YMCA and so he and I went there after dinner and Emmy went to Dakota United Soccer which is for the bigger kids.  Many of her friends were there and she gets to wear all the soccer gear and really get into the game.  Bobby's task mostly is attempting to follow directions.  He does a much better job at this now than last year and I told him many times I was proud of how well he listened.  The kids also get soccer lessons when they are at daycare and Bobby's teacher told me he is listening very well there as well.  He tries hard to pay attention but it is hard for our little man!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Photos from Emmy's last days of school

Emmy had a Kindergarten picnic in the final week of school.  Here she is with her best friend Lauren, teacher and parents.  She shared her packed lunch with her friend.  I put all her favorites in there!