Thursday, June 11, 2015

Science Museum and Soccer starts this summer

Yesterday it was very rainy and so we changed our normal (3 days in a row) afternoon schedule at the pool to a day at the Science Museum.  This year was different than last year where the kids were mostly into pushing buttons.  They really (well mostly Emmy) were interested in reading the instructions and figuring out how to work the experiments there.  Bobby played with the building blocks for a long time and Emmy didn't want to miss any of the experiments there.  We had a good time there figuring everything out together.  Later we had to divide up since Soccer has started.  Bobby is in Itty Bitty Soccer at the YMCA and so he and I went there after dinner and Emmy went to Dakota United Soccer which is for the bigger kids.  Many of her friends were there and she gets to wear all the soccer gear and really get into the game.  Bobby's task mostly is attempting to follow directions.  He does a much better job at this now than last year and I told him many times I was proud of how well he listened.  The kids also get soccer lessons when they are at daycare and Bobby's teacher told me he is listening very well there as well.  He tries hard to pay attention but it is hard for our little man!

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