Tuesday, July 14, 2015

T-ball, fishing and cuddly buddies

Emmy played catcher the other day at T ball and did a great job.  The kids went fishing with their dad and Bobby caught the only fish.  Early morning or late at night (depending on your point of view) I often get woken up by a panting little boy who has sprinted up the stairs to cuddle with his mom.  It is impossible to turn him down even though he insists on sharing (hogging) my pillow.  He sleeps almost on top of me and breathes very loudly right in my ear and yet I don't move him (well, one time I tried and he woke up and told me he just wanted to be really close to me because he loves me).  I mostly just lay awake and think about how these times are not going to last forever because my baby is growing up and I need to enjoy every moment of these special cuddle time late night sessions.

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