Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Enjoying some nice spring weather and Emmy's 1st grade performance

 We enjoyed some warm days this past weekend.  The kids got outside to fly their kites.  They really enjoyed that.

 They also played with their cousins quite a bit outside.  The had popsicles, rode bike, ran around with Annie the neighbor's dog.  They were outside for hours playing together.

 Emmy got invited on a play date Saturday afternoon and so Bobby and I went to use his "free cookie or cupcake" Barnes and Noble coupon.  He chose the sugar cookie and we got to have a little date together at the coffee shop.  Later he spent time browsing thoroughly through the book store trying to find the perfect item to use his birthday money on.  He looked for a spy kit he remembered being there from the last trip we took to the store (months ago) but it was no longer there.  I asked him if he wanted to try Target and we then spent another hour looking at Power Rangers toys until he found the perfect item.  He described why this toy was the best to me but was speaking in Power ranger terms that I really didn't understand.  I just smiled and nodded and was happy he found the right toy for the birthday money he got from Grandma Van.
 Friday after school and work the kids and I walked down to the park where Robb picked us up in the old truck.  We went for ice cream cones and it was a really great time for us to spend together on the warm sunny day.
Coach Robb and the kids had their last hockey games.  Robb has enjoyed helping out and the kids have improved their skills (and had a fun time doing so).  Emmy scored another goal and she asked me "what do I get now for that."   Obviously we can't go out for ice cream every time she scores a goal now since it is a regular occurrence.  I told her she got my praise and love!

Last night Bobby, Robb and I watched Emmy's 1st grade performance.  She was upset that she only had one line to say while other classmates had more.  She sang, smiled and said her line loud and clear in the mike and we clapped and were very proud of her.  She looked adorable up there and insisted she dress up fancy.  I curled her hair and made sure she felt prepared.  Bobby cheered loudly and was excited to be at his future school.

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