Monday, January 30, 2017

Lots of family fun

 Cameron had his birthday at Sky Zone and I enjoyed some jumping right along with the kids.  I also enjoyed the cake right along with them.
 Emmy has been bringing home cook books and she wanted to make Valentine cupcakes.  Everyone helped and Bobby wanted me to send a picture to his Grandma Candy since the heart on his cupcake said Candy Kiss.

 The kids have been begging me for a Starbucks morning. We had scones, cookies and then headed off to school

Another Ski day and this time without ties or hula hoops.  Lots of falling but even more fun!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Mini Marauders and Sky Zone

While Grandma was in town we all took a trip to Sky Zone after school.  The kids had so much fun playing together and jumping around.  They were pretty wild but in a fairly safe environment

The kids were at the Mini Marauder camp this week perfecting their basketball skills.  Emmy's good friend Brynn was there and her mom sent me a pic.  They were attached at the hip all day.  Bobby enjoyed his first big boy camp too.  They performed their skills at half time then this past weekend.  They really had a great time out there doing that and being the center of attention.  I bought them concession stand junk food after their show which they were equally excited about.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

First Ski Trip!

Uncle Chad and Aunt Stacy were without the boys this weekend (they were in Florida) and so they proposed that we should get the kids on skis.  We were so glad to have their help.  Chad took Emmy and got the kids on the regular slope (not bunny slope) right away.  Emmy did very well under his direction and I had Bobby in a hula hoop in front of me until he begged me to let him ski without the hoop (no fear Bobby).  They had so much fun that even when it got COLD they didn't want to leave.  Bobby asked me if he could go down the hill 55 more times!  They would laugh when they wiped out and if Bobby wiped out most of the time I was right behind him (literally with the hula hoop I was right behind him.....falling too).  One particular time we fell right under the ski slope and were laughing so hard I couldn't get up or get him back up.  Stacy came over to "help" us and skied right into us and joined our pile of giggling sillies.  I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard and for that long.  We had a great day and the kids improved so much in a couple hours that they were both skiing independently and TOO fast for my liking by the end.  They want to go many more times and I used the last of their Xmas money to buy new goggles for them.  We were so grateful to our aunt and uncle for getting us out there.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Disney Cruisin'

 We headed off on our cruise bus and were announced as the ECKERT family as we entered the ship.  The kids got a kick out of that.
 Bobby took full advantage of the 24 food you could get on the ship.  One night about 7:30  he told me he wanted pizza.  The pizza wasn't available just then but not to worry....there was hot dogs and fries.  He ate multiple dinners when possible.

 Pirate night was great fun and the kids dressed up with outfits their grandparents purchased for them.  They loved the pirate show and acting like pirates.

 Emmy spent time at the Boutique and became a true princess again.  Then she and I headed to Moana the movie together.  She was so sweet to the many younger girls who actually thought she was Cinderella.  She took pictures with them, talked with them and smiled and made time for any littler girl who wanted her time.

  I got tickets to take kids to meet the princesses.  Bobby seemed to enjoy it as much as Emmy as they posed for pictures and spoke with the princesses.

We had our dolphin experience!  We kissed our dolphin Missy and they dolphins did some cool tricks for us.  We got to touch and pet them too.  Emmy and Bobby didn't exactly follow directions and they grabbed Missy's nose instead of just holding out their hands to get their dolphin kiss and so she splashed them in the face after the kiss.  Bobby splashed her back but Emmy was a bit concerned she had hurt the dolphins feelings.  The dolphins are smart and I think it was part of their way of playing.  It was once in a lifetime!
 We had a day at the Disney Island which was really fun too
 We had to kill 6  hours in the airport which wasn't easy.  We found ways to have fun and Bobby helped me pick out clothes at a store and also used his Christmas money to buy some light up shoes.  Poor guy got motion sick on the buy on the way to the airport (twice!) and threw up all over his clothes.  Luckily our luggage was still with us on the bus so I could change his outfit for him.  We were ready the next time it happened on the descent of the plan ride.  I caught the puke without it getting on him and in the airport we bought everything we could find for motion sickness!  He did better on the next ride.  The families sitting by us were so sweet to us and were attempting to help and little Bobby was such a trooper.  He would tell me after he finished puking, "I don't even care if I'm sick because I still have my family and I love my family"  Love that kid!