Thursday, January 5, 2017

First Ski Trip!

Uncle Chad and Aunt Stacy were without the boys this weekend (they were in Florida) and so they proposed that we should get the kids on skis.  We were so glad to have their help.  Chad took Emmy and got the kids on the regular slope (not bunny slope) right away.  Emmy did very well under his direction and I had Bobby in a hula hoop in front of me until he begged me to let him ski without the hoop (no fear Bobby).  They had so much fun that even when it got COLD they didn't want to leave.  Bobby asked me if he could go down the hill 55 more times!  They would laugh when they wiped out and if Bobby wiped out most of the time I was right behind him (literally with the hula hoop I was right behind him.....falling too).  One particular time we fell right under the ski slope and were laughing so hard I couldn't get up or get him back up.  Stacy came over to "help" us and skied right into us and joined our pile of giggling sillies.  I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard and for that long.  We had a great day and the kids improved so much in a couple hours that they were both skiing independently and TOO fast for my liking by the end.  They want to go many more times and I used the last of their Xmas money to buy new goggles for them.  We were so grateful to our aunt and uncle for getting us out there.

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