Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Girls trip....interrupted

Emmy and planned to head to Aberdeen last Sunday but the road were terrible so we turned around.  She was great about the cancelled trip and was very happy to head to Space Aliens for pizza and an Oreo shake.  We played games and once again I scored over 1000 points which meant she got to pick from the big prizes and also had extra points for Bobby to get some cool things.  I told her I would let her have 30$ total to spend on games and shopping (her choice of fun).  She spent 10$ on games and then 1$ she donated to the Humane Society to help the animals (her sweet, thoughtful idea).  We then went shopping at Target, Justice and Claire's (again her choice).  It was a loooooong afternoon as she spent a lot of time doing math, asking what things cost and figuring out what she liked best.  It was a test to my patience to have her do this for 2 hours but eventually she came up with a headband with an E on it and a necklace she really loved.  She had a good girl's day even if it wasn't our original vision.  We also still slept together since we would've done that in the hotel room together.

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