Sunday, July 16, 2017

Chicago trip

We had a fabulous time in Chicago!

The zoo was a great start to the trip.  The kids had a blast and got up close and personal with a Polar Bear!  We then hung out at Emma's smoothie shop and had a treat.

Bobby became obsessed with the rubrics cube and Adam taught him all the tricks he knew.

The weather was hot and perfect for boating and swimming though the lake was COLD.

We had a blast at the Children's museum and then headed to Millennial Park.

The kids played and made up songs for their cousins and enjoyed hanging out in Emma's room with her equipment.

We had an amazing evening on the boat in Downtown Chicago!

Scooters for ice cream was a short walk away!

Shedd's aquarium was a fun day.  The kids were very interested in learning about the millions of fish there.  We were able to pet a stingray.

We shopped a little and then had a great sushi dinner (the kids didn't but the rest of us did)!

The ride home ended up being the first nap Bobby has taken in YEARS!  I was shocked at how we wore him out.  He actually begged me on the last night to let him go to bed "on time" the next night.  The kids had a very fun family trip and we had the best hospitality from our Chicago family.

Emmy started BIO girls in June.  The girls are training for a 5K and learning about God, being a nice, confident person and friendship.  Emmy won the FIRST AWARD given on the first night for being an enthusiastic bucket filler.  All of the adult mentors told me how Emmy cheered on her friends and complimented them on their hard work during the run.  I could not be prouder of this sweet little person.  She is so special.

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