Monday, November 27, 2017

Thanksgiving gratitude

 Emmy was in love with the new Emmel baby!  She was so excited to get to hold this baby and has big aspirations now to babysit, puppysit, etc

 We celebrated Thanksgiving with both sides of the family.  Grandma Candy makes the best hats and all the kids got Xmas hats.  Baby Emmel got the cute giraffe hat that we gave to him when we visited.

 Robb and Bobby went deer hunting for the first time.  Robb shot a doe and Bobby has taken all the credit.  He told me that he deserves most of the credit for telling Robb where to look, go and then for finding the doe once Robb had shot it.  He had many stories to tell about the leaving the guts in the river for the coyotes and other stories he shared once he was home.  Today on the way to school I looked in the back seat and there was Bobby in his bright orange stocking hat.  He was smelling his hat and had it pulled down over his nose.  He told me, "Mmmmmm, smells like the fresh smell of hunting!" and "Oh mom, the smell of this hat brings back memories of hunting."  He told me he was going to tell all his friends about the hunting success and maybe even his teacher.

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