Monday, May 21, 2018

Eckerts are busy!

 Bobby started baseball and he has been enjoying it.  It has been difficult for him to get used to the pitching machine but he is hanging in there.  We've had good discussions on sportsmanship and working hard while having a positive attitude since strike outs are a regular occurrence.

 Emmy took another turn at Acolyte and she has been getting used to solo missions.  She does a great job and usually has a huge smile on her face on the way back from lighting the candles at church.  Bobby has a friend that lives near by and this friend has become a new favorite.  We plan to see him at the pool quite often but for now they are the best Bucks fans and go to games each Saturday together (with Robb of course)
 I've gotten to see more choir performances.  Emmy really loves singing and looks so cute up there.  She plans to be in the City choir again next year.  It's been busy getting her to all the concerts and practices but thank goodness there are two parents in Team Eckert and some grandparents to help as well.
 Mother's day coincided with pajama day.  I surprised the kids at EMDC and joined them for frozen yogurt.
 Bobby's been doing great in basketball and so we celebrated on Saturday and he insisted on bringing some back for his sister.  They really do love each other and are so thoughtful about making sure the other is not forgotten for treats.
 The boys collected footballs at a Bucks game.....footballs are now everywhere at our house.

 Mother's day brunch celebrated out at U Mary.  I was feeling very blessed to share that memory with my mom and family.  Love them!

 Bobby took a turn at catcher the other day in baseball.  I thought he looked so cute in his gear!
 We are going to be BUSY this summer!  I can't wait
 Baby Alexis is here!  She is beautiful and healthy and it is so much fun having a baby in the family.  Emmy may be most excited.....she cried tears of joy!  She took so many pictures of the baby and videos and even made Alexis her screen saver on her ipad.

 My friend Tara (also Bobby's girlfriend Keira's mom) and I ran the 2 person relay in 3 hours 8 minutes.  We easily beat the other teams and sprinted in the last mile at 6:40.  We had a great time together in chilly, windy conditions.  I'm grateful to still be able to run pretty fast after all these years.

Boys caught some more fish this weekend out at the ranch.  Emmy had two CDCC concerts and as soon as they were done the boys went out to fish.   They caught 3 varieties of fish and Bobby was pretty happy to tell us all about it!

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