Thursday, July 9, 2020

3rd Annual Medora Trip

We had fantastic weather for our 3rd annual Medora trip.  We met some new wild animal friends during our hike (what a sweet little puppy named Stella).  We saw buffalo, prairie dogs but no rattlesnakes or Elk this year.  We hiked over 3 total miles and we enjoyed each other's company.

 Dad is by far the best animal spotter.  Here he is showing Emmy where a wild horse is hiding off in the distance.

Dad took a lot of pictures of the kids and I but it was hard to get the entire family into a picture since asking people to take your camera in COVID times is not politically correct.  So, we did the best we could with a family selfie!

We never miss out on our afternoon ice cream stop.  Home made ice cream can't be beat.

 The Medora musical was a bit different this year.  No kids came up on stage, people sat at socially distant places, the musical was much shorter than usual and so was intermission.  We also had to file out slowly with ushers directing us.  Despite all the changes due to COVID, we enjoyed the musical and once again the time with family was priceless.

The best addition to this year's trip was the horseback riding adventure.  I was on Charlie, Emmy on Gideon, Bobby at Hass, Robb on Rocko.  Charlie and Gideon are best friends they told us and they don't like to socially distance AT ALL.  Emmy and I were prepared for this along the ride.  Gideon kept biting Charlie's booty and Charlie kept trying to stop to eat.  It was a great ride that we really enjoyed.  The kids love riding horses and Emmy is proud at her skills that Grandpa Kelly taught her.  She has so many great memories of riding horse with him.

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