Wednesday, September 8, 2021

End of summer, start of fall

Bobby and I took advantage of our last week of summer by stocking up on pizza burger flying style (20 of them), going to the zoo, and then heading to a movie (Space Jam II).  He also hung out with his friends at another birthday party sleepover.

Emmy got asked to play on a Lamoreaux select team and so she headed to the cities two weekends in a row.  Bobby and I got to join one weekend and we found Emmy a dress for the fall dance.  She can go from a sweaty hockey player to a beautiful young lady in no time at all.

The weather is still warm so we've been jumping into the pool when possible.
Emmy started her 7th grade year at St. Mary's.  We have matching sweatshirts for the football games.  We have a group of Saints friends who pre-game together.  The Saints won their homecoming game against Mandan which was a great time had be all. Emmy hangs out with her friends (they hardly even watch the game), Bobby is cheering wildly and dancing with his buddies and Robb and I sit in the stands with the other grown ups.

Bobby had his first day of school as well.  He rules Centennial now as a 5th grader!  He is in the talented and gifted program once again this year for math and reading.  He likes his teacher.  He and I celebrated with ice cream on Day 1 of school.  We all headed back to Cold Stone to celebrate a week later when we found out Emmy made the A team for volleyball.  Only 9 girls made the top team and she was VERY excited.
I'm two weeks into my official role of Program Director.  I've received some great gifts from my faculty team (and my mom) and I moved into a new office.

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