Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Mother's day, baseball, choir concert

Emmy participated in her last choir concert as an 8th grader.  She was beautiful on the stage and she always sings her heart out.  She has found much success in choir these past 3 years and I know she will accomplish even more in HS.
Emmy made me a cake with  my favorite buttercream frosting for Mother's day!  Grandpa got two slices out of it before she could deliver it to me.  This is pretty common place in the Moldenhauer household.  It was sweet of her to think of me. She spent the weekend with her grandparents while we were in Fargo for Bobby's baseball tourney.

Day one of baseball was rainy and windy. It rained the entire day and got really wet and moms were ready!  It was fun to be back watching Bobby's team play again.  He did great and always has so much fun. The team beat a MN all star team and a West Fargo team we haven't beaten in years so we were off to a good start.

 The 2nd day of the tournament was warm and sunny but we ended up with 2 losses.  Bobby came in to relief pitch and got us out of a bind. He pitched great once again and helped his team. He is lead off batter and always gets his job done out there. Mother's day was a day of baseball! I loved seeing my kids happy and I cherish these weekends full of memories together.

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