Sunday, May 30, 2010

Emmy is a runner!

Mom tried to take a picture of the shirt she and dad bought me last weekend when mom ran the Fargo marathon. It says "future runner of the fargo marathon." I didn't want to stop running around the house long enough to let mom take the picture though!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I try to make as much of a mess as I can around the house. I don't really like to clean up after myself which leaves a lot of work for mom. I figure it gives her something to do while I take my afternoon nap. Mom tells me that starting next week she and I get to spend every day together since she is off work until August! She has lots of big plans for us: swimming lessons, watching dad play in softball tournaments, a trip to Fargo this month, music classes and lots of play dates with mom's friends and their kids. I can't wait!!

Today I went to my favorite babysitters graduation party. It was cold so I wore my leg warmers. When we got home mom changed me out of my dress, but I couldn't be bothered to finish undressing so I ran around the house in my leg warmers and shoes. My book is the only accessory I really need. I would never leave that behind!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

This past weekend mom ran another half marathon. She finished in 1 hour 39 minutes which is a personal best for her. Dad cheered her on and two of her coworkers also ran in the half marathon (here in the picture is one of them, Heather Lundeen and her husband) I went to Grandpa and Grandma Moldenhauer's ranch and learned what cows say! I've been "moooooing" all week now. I had a great time out at the ranch, petted some horses and looked straight in the eye of a baby calf. I really concentrated on these animals because I love to do animal noises and talk about animals when I read my books.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mom thought I should add a picture of the cool sunglasses I wore today at the zoo when the sun came out. Grandma Launa bought them for me and they were almost impossible to get off since they had a strap with velcro on me, I made a few attempts at getting rid of them!

We ran into some friends at the zoo. The Lundeen family was there. Mom tells me that I was born in the same week as Connor and Olivia Lundeen and that she works with their mom. I really fell in love with Connor and even attempted to give him a kiss. They were just arriving at the zoo and I had just finished my trip around. We said our good-byes and Connor even gave me a nice hug. Watch out dad! This may be my first boyfriend!

Family trip to the zoo

Today we went to the zoo! I loved seeing the bears, horses, goats, gophers. I was a little confused and kept telling mom and dad that the wolves were "puppies." It's an easy mistake to make since my favorite animals are always puppies. We all had a great time!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Emmy and Mason took some pictures together last weekend so that they could give Grandma Launa a special Mother's day present! They did really well and actually were smiling (and stationary) for a few good shots! They would not hug or put their arms around each other though. I guess they weren't feeling the cousin love.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Grandma Launa, Emerson and mom go to park

Today mom took Emerson in a stroller ride to the park near our house. Grandma Launa met us there. Emerson went down the slide, took a ride in the swing and explored the playground before heading back home.

Emmy loves her puppy Rita

Emerson can see Rita playing outside when she looks out the window. She spends a lot of time talking about puppies and saying "woof woof" whenever she sees Rita out the window. She likes to tell mom all about what Rita is doing outside.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We had visitors!

Mom invited some friends over for a visit and they brought their 2 month old girls over. Mom kept saying how much heavier I am to carry around than baby Gretchen. Gretchen is mom's good friend from college (Heather Snowden's) baby. I really wanted to touch those cute babies, but mom kept telling me not to. I also was pretty interested in the baby carriers they came in and the toys attached. It was fun having some visitors!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Emerson is a chatterbox!

Emerson talks all the time now. She repeats almost everything we say. Some of her favorites are puppy - woof woof, quack quack, cat - meow, shoes - stinky, no no no, oh no, go go go, bye and hi, mama, dada, bookey (book), vroom vroom, bee - bzzz, ball, tickle tickle tickle (while tickling mom or dad), peek a boo, ouch, yum yum, cheese, and many many more........ Her teacher at daycare said she is not only very strong for her ago but very verbal and mom and dad have to agree. This may be due to her parents being quite "verbal" or it may be that her favorite past time is having mom and dad read her books. All her grandparents, parents think she is a baby genius ;)

Emerson 1 year old photo shoot

Mom and Emmy went to have some pictures taken since Emmy just turned 1 year. Wow, Emmy did not want to sit still (or stand still for that matter) for the photographer to take the pictures. She was racing around the photo studio. We did manage to get a few good shots of mom's big girl!

Emerson orders her first movie

Today Emmy got a hold of the TV remote for about 2 seconds and somehow managed to order herself a movie from pay per view. It takes some skill to push the right amount of buttons in less than 2 seconds to order from the TV. The funniest part is that the movie she ordered was "Alvin and the Chipmunks, the squeakwel" Mom and dad did watch it with her later.

Emmy got good and messy eating her cake. She did share some bites with both her Grandpa Bob and Grandpa Kelly as well as her mom and dad. She had to head straight to the bath after she finished eating cake!

Emerson Eckert turns 1!!

Emerson turned 1 year old on April 3, 2010. All her grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great grandma Van and Pearl and her great aunt Lori attended her party. She got lots of great presents like clothes, toys, books (her favorite)! She had her first taste of chocolate cake and devoured almost the entire cake! Her auntie Amber spent a lot of time making her an awesome caterpillar cake that everyone complimented at her party. Mom and dad can't believe that it's been a year already since we welcomed Emmy to the world. She has made mom and dad's life so much happier every day. Mom decided to start a photo blog to make sure Emmy's great moments in the year to come are documented.