Sunday, May 2, 2010

Emerson is a chatterbox!

Emerson talks all the time now. She repeats almost everything we say. Some of her favorites are puppy - woof woof, quack quack, cat - meow, shoes - stinky, no no no, oh no, go go go, bye and hi, mama, dada, bookey (book), vroom vroom, bee - bzzz, ball, tickle tickle tickle (while tickling mom or dad), peek a boo, ouch, yum yum, cheese, and many many more........ Her teacher at daycare said she is not only very strong for her ago but very verbal and mom and dad have to agree. This may be due to her parents being quite "verbal" or it may be that her favorite past time is having mom and dad read her books. All her grandparents, parents think she is a baby genius ;)

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